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Padishah Mehmet II

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Posts posted by Padishah Mehmet II

  1. It already has a solid fan base, and after HF runs out of steam, the builds will be fresh and innovative. There will be a surge of consumption just from previous Bionicle fans, along with HF fans. And hopefully, the reborn Bionicle will be better than ever, drawing in more fans.Additionally, the story line is at a point that allows a fresh start, like on Mata Nui. Whole lot of mystery, unknown, but with characters we know and love (with new ones too). The possibilities are immense, with the characters and the settings and the plot. Also, Lego has BZP as a resource for advice on rebooting Bionicle.a_peace.png

    Please allow me to correct you.There will not be a surge of consumption, because unless HF ends in the next three years, everyone will already have moved on for the sake of being busy with other things if not simply growing up.-Dovydas
  2. I've worked on a couple of non-BIONICLE and BIONICLE games using the RPG Makers, but only one of them got finished and it was so glitched up that I had to sit down and remake it from scratch.... I got bored, eventually.Still, I've got fond memories of the programs and I check in on the RPG Maker community, here and elsewhere, regularly.-Dovydas

  3. Well, seeing as about half the games discussed in this topic haven't been released yet, that statement could apply to a number of other games. I'm sure any of these games is more than deserving of the title, but I personally support SS since I'm obsessed with the Zelda series, and from all I've seen of SS it's going to be amazing. :t: :b: :3:

    because if other people are doing it, it must be okay!
  4. 1. Does BZP look Bionicle-y in your eyes?2. Do you think it looks Bionicle-y in a new-comer's eyes?3. Do you think the current BZP banner/logo is lacking in something?4. Would a design-a-logo-for-BZP contest be a good idea?5. What about the current skin for BZP? Could that be more Bionicle-y?6. Is BZP lacking in Bionicle-ness in general?7. Should I shut up now?

    1. Well, it's a BIONICLE site. So yeah.2. The homepage itself does, the forums, not so much, so I'm torn between yes and no. ... Hapori Tohu needs to get back.3. Not being set on default, perhaps?4. Actually, yes. I think there's a bunch of talented graphic designers here who could make a better logo.5. idunno actually. When you think of it, the old skin wasn't that too BIONICLE-y either.6. ... It's a BIONICLE site. How can it lack BIONICLE.7. Phovos, when you shut up, I'll know BZP's gone completely wrong.-Dovydas
  5. I'd reply, "To please crowds of incessant whiners and a bunch of kids who don't dare accept that it was rather mediocre as it was."-Dovydas

    Wrong site to be hating on Bionicle fans, dood. Especially the wrong site for flame baiting. Though many have forgotten that rule, me thinks.
    Hm.Yeah.Guys, forgive me for saying that, I was rather unnerved at the time.I don't disagree with what I said though-Dovydas
  6. Ugh, ~JC~, just no. Please don't delude yourself into thinking you're right.I don't live in Britain, and just so we're clear, I learned about Guy Fawkes from a bunch of books I read as a child, the most interesting example being the Horrible Histories series.-Dovydas

  7. We get even more here.First, there's New Years, where everyone gets despicably drunk and half-devoured by explosions from the fireworks all around.Then there's a bunch of Lithuania-specific and Eastern Europe-specific holidays.Then two independence days (the older one and the newer one)Easter.Summer, which is in itself a holiday.Statehood Day and another Lithuania-specific festival in the middle of summer.All Saints and All Souls', even if they're not exactly fun holidays.Christmas.And on all of these holidays everyone pigs out.-Dovydas

  8. I would say that Bionicle is Lego's best selling franchise ever, it has many fans who would love to see it return in a few years, and it takes a very special place in my heart, as well as those of many others...

    For their own sake. Bionicle was LEGO's best-selling original brand. I doubt HF is living up to that.

    Where are people getting these statistics? The only time I remember confirmation of such a fact was back in 2002, which was a time in LEGO's history where most other themes were suffering (even the town theme, which is part of why it was replaced, first by World City and then by the City theme we've had since 2005). It certainly wasn't LEGO's best selling brand at the time they ended it, and probably wasn't for a few years before that. Let's face it; Bionicle did not keep itself going as strong as it did near the beginning for its entire run, or they never would've ended it. Perhaps Hero Factory hasn't had such resounding success as Bionicle did in its heyday, but I hardly see that as a reason for LEGO to bring back a failed theme in its place.
    Note that I said original.Star Wars may have sold more, but they had to pay royalties. No such problem with Bionicle.
    But even when those royalties were subtracted, they earned more.-Dovydas
  9. I'll assume underrated also means movies that don't get enough recognition, not only movies that aren't liked much.Overrated: All the Transformers movies, with the potential exception of the first one, and Twilight. Don't get me started on Twilight.Underrated: A bunch. City of Ember, The Witcher, Exodus (because no matter how many people would like it it wouldn't get as much credit as it deserves simply because it deserves a lot), Lord of the Rings (same as Exodus, except that even if it would be given the title of "Most Epic Movie Ever Discussion Over Everyone Who Disagrees Shall Be Guillotined", even then I wouldn't agree that it gets the credit it deserves), Inkheart, Fighter (not to be confused with The Fighter), Loss, Stone of Destiny, Troy (it's, unlike most of these, underrated because of bad reviews, not lack of recognition), Death Note, Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures, Ghetto, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (quite frankly much better than the game), aaaaaaaaand... can't think of any more right now.-Dovydas

  10. Honestly guys, I rather disliked Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.The epic battle with Voldemort was dumbed down so much it sucks.Best movie I've seen that was made in the past year or so... oh god, so difficult...... City of Ember. Well, it was made in 2008, so it's not awfully too far back. It's quite possibly the best movie I've seen that was made in this whole decade.-Dovydas

  11. -Skyward Sword: Mehr... We'll see. Personally, the more bright and animated-looking Zelda games never appeal to me as much as, say, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, or Twilight Princess. Skyward's almost like a combo of the two, but personally from what little I've seen, I don't think it'd be the winner. I wouldn't doubt it capable of making the top 10, however.

    So you're judging an unreleased game based on its graphical style alone? That's just sad... :t: :b: :3:
    Saying it's definitely going to be THE MOTHER OF ALL GAMING before it's released is really sad too IMO.-Dovydas
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