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Padishah Mehmet II

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Posts posted by Padishah Mehmet II

  1. I'd get rid of the "Romance" part, however.I'm a boy... man... male teen, nevertheless, I enjoy romance in stories. It's just that BIONICLE don't work with it.Agori and Glatorian - sure, because they're organic and they can reproduce. Matoran are just biologically incapable of love.-Dovydas

  2. I think it is obvious that by calling it the "downtime" in the first place gave it the name the " downtime". Even though it lacks creativaty is simply more convenient, most people seem to refer it to the "downtime" as the "downtime"... sort of like the reason we call our moon the "Moon", most people don't care enough to name it something else or don't have enough supporters to call it something else.

    Corrected it for you. It's not lack of creativity if creativity is unnecessary.-Dovydas
  3. For those of you who do not know that, Europa Universalis is an epic grand strategy PC game series by Paradox Interactive, where you pick a country, any historical country that existed from 1399 to 1835 (the start and end dates of the game) and lead it to greatness by war, economy, and just generally making sure it runs like a well-oiled mechanism and doesn't blow up. So, any people who play it on BZPower by any chance?-Dovydas

  4. It's always been Mata to me, Olda just never sounded right.

    Same here. I've never even thought about using 'Olda' for more than a second. -The Fearless Leader
    Amen. Olda just sounds pathetic. Too Anglicized and incompatible with the reality of BIONICLE being set in a wholly different universe with wholly different linguistics.-Dovydas
  5. Morrowind - second best game ever. Scratch that, it shares 1st-2nd places with another game. Played a Dark Elf with a custom class in it. Greatest disappointment in it: no option to kick the Imperials out. Oblivion - decent. Played a Breton assassin. Skyrim - looks decent but my opinion on the lack of jumping and general apparent dumbing down of the game... I'll stop now. Probably will play a Nord, because the way things look we should get to at the very least be allowed to try and break Skyrim away from the Empire. More legitimacy that way.-Dovydas

  6. The ability to yell out "REMIX!" at any given time and have any music playing in the general area to become a totally rad remix.

    Changing mine to be the ability to have the soundtrack of my choice play when I want it ton in real life.
    But Guile's theme already goes with everything, so why not just play that everywhere?
    Because no matter how awesome a track might be you eventually get bored of it?-Dovydas

    That's a joke.

    Key word: Metus.-Dovydas
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