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Posts posted by Onaku

  1. IC: Qyntar

    He thought about it for a moment, then took a leap and shifted the gravity around him to levitate himself high into the air. He looked around, noticing Po-Koro in the distance. He lowered himself down again, and called to his two companions "I could fly us all to the village with my gravity powers. What do you say?"

  2. IC: Ardoku

    The battered pick hit the rock wall, cracking it open after who-knows-how-many hits. The toa's eyes widen as he sees a slight shimmer. He knew instantly what he had come across. Solid protodermis. Ardoku kept hitting the rock with his pick, extracting the chunk of protodermis from the cavern's wall. The chunk was half the size of his head, I should be able to get some cash out of this one, he thought.


    OOC: Ok, so what should I do now? Where do I sell the chunk? Do I just exit the mines? What is the system in the mines?

  3. IC:Qyntar

    "I don't know if that's such a good idea, unless they're opaque." The Toa of Gravity looked around the desert Wahi, feeling the warm rays of the sun against his body. "But in any case, I do have some cloth we could use, be it for what ever you need it be."

  4. Yeah, that's where strategy comes in. Anyway, I think having a kakama as a backup with gravity powers is a good idea, and I can always just add a different character with different abilities anyway. Aside from that, when the RPG starts again, how about Qyntar and Athiel meet? What do you say?

  5. ... No? What? Well, I stand corrected. Okidokie.


    Edit - May 12. 2013: On a different note, might I request a banner myself?

    One that has the dimensions 800x210, possibly including a purple kakama with green eyes and a white, cracked hau with blue eyes, and a galaxy(not a whole galaxy, just a part of it or something... just some pretty cosmic stuff)


    Lets put this into a more comfortable format:


    Dimensons: 800x210


    Content: a purple kakama with green eyes and a white, cracked hau with blue eyes, with pretty cosmic stuff in the background


    Text: None

  6. IC: A lone being walks through the desert. Up ahead he sees the silhouette of the village. Po-Koro. It has been almost fifteen years since he last came here. But it is time he came back. To survey the situation of the village, see if any threats were imminent or if any had already come to pass. His name is Qyntar, a toa of gravity. He is here to help.


    OOC: Alright guys, I'm back, and I really want in on what you others are doing. If anyone happens to be around Po-Koro, let me know OOC.

  7. Name: Arnai
    Species: Tiokaha
    Mark: Kuyru - Mark of Empathy
    Appearance: Quite tall, albeit average for a Tiokaha, and with a relatively slim body for one, which is to say average for any other species. Her armour is the white, light grey and orange colours as is default for her mark, and she has electric blue eyes behind a Noble Akaku.
    Gender: Female
    Abilities and equipment: She possesses all the abilities of the Mark of Empathy, meaning she can pick up on the feelings of other beings and influence them. She is physically stronger than an average toa, and faster and more agile than an average Tiokaha.
    She owns a bone dagger, carved masterfully and engraved with remarkable flowing and interweaving patterns. She keeps it as a reminder of a homeland she has forgotten. Aside from that, she owns a protosteel short blade she uses with one hand, and a one-handed disk launcher.
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Ta-Koro
    History: Arriving on the island decades ago, she managed to integrate into Ta-Koro society. Some time later, she became an official investigator for the Ta-Koro Guard, a duty she takes very seriously. 
    Personality and traits: Arnai is serious, although not entirely humourless. She has become loyal to Ta-Koro, and wishes to help her new home in any way she can. She has a rather vicious temper when crossed, but her fuse is long enough that most people don't have to experience it.
    Weakness: Although she was originally weak against heat, she has since become acclimated to the environment of Ta-Koro, losing much of her natural insulating body fat. She is still somewhat weak to fire, but not like before.



    Name: Mautara


    Species: Tiokaha


    Mark: Iaru - Mark of the Beast


    Appearance: Large, even for a Tiokaha. His armor is primarily dark brown, with some bright brown highlights on areas of his biceps, abdominal area and thighs. His dark orange eyes radiate with an old man's wisdom, but also something primal. He wears a helmet and armor made out of the bone and hide of a powerful rahi, both shaped to resemble his rahi companion.


    Gender: Male


    Abilities and equipment: Strong armor made out of the bone and hide of a powerful rahi. He also wields a weapon carved from the leg bone of the rahi, and a large dagger made from one of its biggest teeth, as well as a bow crafted from one of its long ribs. Being born with the mark of the beast, he is able to communicate with any rahi, and has deep understanding and respect for them. He is stronger than an average Tiokaha, a side effect of his time spent with his lifelong rahi companion. His bones are also stronger, and his hide is thicker.


    Alignment: Neutral Good, The Wilderness


    History: Mautara was very young when he first met Rawar. The bear was but a cub at the time, and had lost his parents to a large and dangerous rahi that roamed the area. Mautara helped Rawar, and the two became good friends, often going on hunts together. A few years later, the pair encountered the great rahi once more. With their combined effort, Mautara and Rawar slayed the beast, avenging Rawar's parents and saving other rahi in the area from a similar fate.


    From the beast, Mautara created weapons and armor that rivaled all other. From then on, the pair became the strongest hunters in the area, and with that power, they kept the balance of the wilderness in check. Decades passed, and peace reigned in Mautara's region. With their skills and Mautara's weapons, no beast that sought to upset the balance stood a chance against them.


    One fateful day, how ever, Mautara and Rawar were stalking a dangerous beast in the icecapped regions of the land. Mautara set up camp on the ice, and the two went to sleep, completely unaware of the danger that was to follow. When the two woke up, they were not resting upon ice connected to the mainland, but an iceberg drifting at sea.


    The two drifted at sea for a long long time, longer than they could keep track of. Eventually, their food reserves ran dry, and after an even longer while, their natural body fat had been consumed by the body to sustain them longer. It was then that Mautara felt the presence of another animal in his vicinity. A bird. A fishing bird. It seemed friendly enough, and after some conversing, the bird agreed to help the two get fish. So it went on for some days, and although the fish provided wasn't much, it was enough to keep them alive. At least for the time being.


    Some weeks later, Mautara sensed another beast, but instead of being up in the sky, this one was deep beneath the waves. It was a Proto Drake. And thankfully, one sympathetic enough to their plight. And after what seemed to be a very short conversation, the Proto Drake agreed to help drive fish from deeper in the sea, so that the fishing bird could more easily catch them for Mautara and Rawar. This cooperation went on for many more days. And then the days became weeks. And the weeks became months.


    Finally, the long trek across the ocean came to an end as Mautara spotted land over on the horizon. With some help from the Proto Drake, they finally got to the island, safe and sound. And that's where their story begins.


    Personality and traits: Mautara has experienced a great many things through his years of being a hunter. His experiences have molded him into a patient man, but also one who will not tolerate nonsense from anyone. He cares deeply for all animals, and will go to great lengths to protect them. How ever, he realizes that if a creature becomes too powerful, it can upset the balance and cause the decimation of the environment he and his kind so dearly protect, and as such they have to be put down. His time spent with Rawar have shaped his behavior, but has just the same shaped Rawar's behavior. 


    Weakness: Naturally weak against fire and heat. Wouldn't last long in Po-Wahi's desert or in Ta-Koro without proper preparations.


    Companion: Mautara's rahi companion is a larger, stronger and tougher relative of the ash bear native to the colder and harsher homeland of the Tiokaha. His name is Rawar. He is large and strong, and powerful enough to match any living being in prowess, even a toa wearing a mask of strength, and has stamina enough to keep fighting for days on end. How ever, like his tiokaha companion, he is weak against fire and heat.



    Name: Thodir


    Species: Vo-Toa (Lightning)


    Appearance: Tall, muscular and heavily built. Armor mostly dark blue with white accents in key places, some taking the form of nordic patterns. He lost one eye under unknown circumstances. His one eye is bright purple, although his age and experience is very clearly represented in it.


    Gender: Male


    Abilities and equipment: The power over lightning. He wears the Kanohi Kadin, mask of flight, and has mastered its power, which allows him to fly at remarkable speeds and with extreme precision. He wields a short yet very large hammer which he can use to smash people. He can also channel his powers through it, sending powerful arcs of lightning at his enemies.


    Alignment: Honorable Good.


    History: He’s old as balls. May or may not have been a god in the yonder times.


    Personality and traits: Extremely honorable. A veteran master of the warrior’s path, he has experienced a great many thing in his lifetime. How ever, he can get very excited over honor and things he hasn’t encountered before.


    Weakness: HONOR!!





    Name: Kuraka


    Species: Bo-Toa (Plantlife)


    Appearance: Short and somewhat chubby, although not obese, but also somewhat muscular. Her armor is primarily dark turquose, with dashes of lime strewn throughout. Her eyes are electric blue, and the vents on her mask of healing are larger than normal.


    Gender: Female


    Abilities and equipment: Kuraka has completely mastered use of her mask, and is capable of healing many kinds of wounds quickly. She is also quite adept with her plant life powers, although she is more used to fighting with fist and foot, in which she has been observed to be almost unbeatable, defeating even the strongest of opponents, and the most well armed. Her speed and agility are often at times unmatched.


    She is, how ever, not only brawn, but also brains, being well versed in different fighting styles, philosophies, tactics and rudimentary sciences and the ways of teaching them to others. She knows biology well enough that she can hit opponents in just the right spots to swiftly take them out, and will not hesitate to use brute force when she deems it absolutely necessary.


    Alignment: Chaotic Good


    History: Kuraka has traveled the island of Mata-Nui as a healer and also as a teacher of many things. Being an avid traveler has forced her to become a competent fighter, something she has surprisingly excelled at.


    Personality and traits: Old and wise, patient and kind, Kuraka has seen many things and helped many people over the ages, and her experiences have made her into an excellent teacher, as well as an avid caretaker of the injured. Her patience knows bounds, though, for if someone tries to misuse her or someone around her, she can be quick to teach them a good lesson on personal etiquette. Physically. Where it hurts.


    Weakness: Fights only with fist and foot. Although she sometimes uses her plant-life powers as well, and is perfectly adept at using them, this usual dependency on only her own physical form can lead to her being beaten by enemies with good enough weaponry, although she is still quite skilled in fighting against such tactics.



    Name: Ardoku

    Species: Su-Toa (Plasma)
    Mask: A cracked, powerless Hau.
    Appearance: Relatively average in height, moderately built although quite sleek, he has white armor with an orange secondary colour. He has bright blue eyes. His armour is quite battered after years of harsh wilderness, his Hau has a large crack from the left top side down to the top middle of the mask.
    Gender: Male
    Powers and Capabilities: 

    • Swordsmanship
      Ardoku is adept with a sword, although there are many others far more skilled. He has trained with the sword for a majority of his life, and can hold up a good fight with his sword alone.
    • Plasma powers
      Ardoku can use any powers a normal toa of plasma can. He is capable of channeling plasma through his hands, but more efficiently through his sword. He has been known to create a wall of plasma from the ground by channeling his powers through the ground, but doing so drained him considerably.
    • Strategic prowess
      Albeit strong and agile, he is in no way special in these areas, relying all the more on strategy to defeat his foes. Ardoku isn't a genius, but he is quite clever, able to form basic strategies for situations, given he is lucid enough.

    Weapons: A brass claymore and his strategic, albeit inexperienced, mind.
    Fighting style:
    Sword and plasma bursts
    As stated before, Ardoku is quite adept with a sword. He usually tries to incapacitate his enemies without harming them greatly, and he will hesitate to kill, but not when in extreme circumstances. He also likes to combine swordsmanship with his plasma powers, often channeling his powers through the blade as he slashes. Where as he lacks a maskpower (his hau was cracked, and the power leaked from it), he instead makes up for it with a overly strategic mind, being able to quickly assess a situation and craft a plan, most of which end in success. 

    • Inexperienced
      Albeit smart, he is quite inexperienced, and as such can at times be outwitted.
    • Physically mediocre
      Albeit strong and agile, he is in no way special in these areas, and as such can be overpowered by strong adversaries and quick moving foes.
    • Awkward
      Not as much a tactical weakness, as much as a social one, Ardoku has never been much for socializing, and can get quite stressed in social situations.

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Coming of age
    In his younger years he trained in swordsmanship, knowing that the world around him was merciless and cruel. Although it is unknown where he comes from, he was raised by an old turaga, who helped him to become a toa, sacrificing his own toa energy. Twenty years passed and eventually the frail turaga died of natural causes, leaving Ardoku to take care of himself. He left to explore the world (island).

    The Present- Adventures of inexperience
    As of today, Ardoku still explores the island, sometimes taking a small job to earn himself a few coins.
    Personality and traits: 
    Although kind and humorous, he is quite awkward in social situations, causing him to become distressed when around a lot of people. He is mostly quiet, and rarely initiates a conversation with another person. That doesn't mean that when confronted, he is closed off completely, and if a person were to take his time to know him, Ardoku can in fact be very personable, albeit a bit awkward in his speech.


    He does how ever not have unlimited patience, and can exhibit a no-nonsense attitude if the people around him don't stop fooling around at inappropriate times.

  8. I just really love this drawing you have here. I really don't have anything to say that hasn't been said in above comments, so well done. That's a great piece of art. And a great talent.

  9. yeah sure i will try but will the hareke be a block or an item sprite and how about cowrie shells or whatever they where called
    A block, so 32x32. Once you have some basics of those done, I'll finish up the sprite sheet, and post it! I'm not sure about Cowrie shells though, since, due to Minecraft physics, all non-solid blocks (plants, torches, etc.) are broken when water runs over them. I'll work on that, in the mean time, just leave it. If you want, you can do an item sprite for it though.
    If by block you mean like sugar cane, then I agree with you, that is the logical course of action... and since sugar cane is already in-game, one could simply use that as bamboo... or not, it's your moderator anyway, Click.Edit: And then I realized you're talking about textures...
  10. I noticed a whole lot of progress in the comments section, but I think it needs to appear on the front page of the topic as well. Don't you think?
    Yes, with school and all the rapid progress in fan sprite sheets, I haven't had time to finalize everything and post it on the front page. I'll try to get to it soon, sorry about that.
    I am REALLY excited about this minecraftmod you know, this project is probably one of the best things happening here on BZPower right now.
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