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Posts posted by Onaku

  1. IC: ArdokuThe stay in Le-koro had been enjoyable enough, but he couldn't stay here for long. No one had answered his posters, so he'd have to travel to a different village for recruits...OOC: Last chance, if you want to, you can go to "The Sleeping Kahu" in the west wing of Le-koro, all information is on posters through out key-locations in the village in case you need an excuse to visit and join my team...

  2. IC:In key locations in Le-koro, there were posters describing a job. It said that a certain toa was hiring members for a small team, and was willing to pay for that service. The mission would be debriefed when the team had enough people. Anyone interested would meet him at a small inn in the west wing of the Village, called "The Sleeping Kahu".IC: Ardoku"That should do it..." The toa said as he walked away from the last poster he put up. This should get peoples attention...On his way to the inn, he went over the plan one more time. Satisfied with it, he sat down and ordered a mug of black-ale. He finished the drink, That hits the spot, one of the servants took the mug. Now, only thing left to do was to wait... wait that anyone would either be brave enough, or foolish for that matter, to agree to join this journey... OOC: As you may or may not have already guessed, I'm hoping that someone would like to take notice of this and hopefully want to have his character join in... I hope someone would like too, otherwise... :S

  3. IC:In key locations in Le-koro, there were posters describing a job. It said that a certain toa was hiring members for a small team, and was willing to pay for that service. The mission would be debriefed when the team had enough people. Anyone interested would meet him at a small inn in the west wing of the Village, called "The Sleeping Kahu".IC: Ardoku"That should do it..." The toa said as he walked away from the last poster he put up. This should get peoples attention...On his way to the inn, he went over the plan one more time. Satisfied with it, he sat down and ordered a mug of black-ale. He finished the drink, That hits the spot, one of the servants took the mug. Now, only thing left to do was to wait... wait that anyone would either be brave enough, or foolish for that matter, to agree to join this journey... OOC: As you may or may not have already guessed, I'm hoping that someone would like to take notice of this and hopefully want to have his character join in... I hope someone would like too, otherwise... :S

  4. IC: Toa ArdokuDeep in the jungles of Le-wahi, something strange was about to happen, something never recorded into any book, not seen by anyone to tell. A rift was to form now, and through it, a warrior of fate was to step. From the other side, this warrior had faced many trials, some of which might have ended his journey prematurely... but to no avail. He passed them all, he passed everyone there, he became strong... and now he would return home.Toa Ardoku didn't know what day it was, how long it had been since he passed through first, since he awoke in the white bed in the white room, in the dead city of towers... as long as the eye could reach, and further. But he was here, that was for certain... and it didn't seem like much had changed. "Perhaps I haven't arrived so long after i departed as I thought..." A remark referring to how Le-koro looked excactly as he'd always remembered it...v--Edit--vOOC: Would anyone like to interact with my character? I'm going to be very active on him, so don't worry about inactivity...

  5. Greetings. Long has it been my dream to share my (somewhat) talent at the art of drawing, and now I finally find it an opportune time to do so. Any art I have made and will make in the future that falls under the genre of "drawing" will be posted here, on this very topic, so stay tuned for more...Drawings:Toa of Fire- 3. April 2012Battle_ Energy blast- 5. April 2012I hope you like what you've seen so far, you are welcome to comment, criticise and the other usual things. Have a wonderful day. :)

  6. Like I said on the other topic, I got a drawing-tablet for my computer yesterday as a birthday present, and I immediately decided to put it to the test, and in the process, putting my self to the test as well. The following picture is solely made with said tablet. It's the first time I've ever used such a tablet, so don't expect a masterpiece or something...Anyway, here you go: Link to PictureComments and criticism are always welcome.

  7. Hello, yesterday I received a new drawing-tablet as a birthday present, and I immediately decided to put it to the test, and while doing so, putting my self to the test. The following picture was solely made with said tablet. It's the first time I've ever used such a tablet, so don't expect too much. And as the title suggests, it isn't finished yet...Link to picture.I hope you like it, leave comments, criticism, the usual stuff...

  8. I create a ridiculously complicated device of mass destruction... it fails to activate. Instead, I decide to walk up to you, and simply slap you across your face with the back of my hand. The intensity of that slap causes you to drop the mask on the floor, and also renders you confused for the next half minute. I use this to my advantage as I take the mask. But we're not done yet. The mask just happens to decide to begin it's countdown, making it go from gold to silver... uh oh.... I guess the mask is mine :S

  9. I'd like it to be full episodes, releasing individual scenes... just doesn't sound very good to me. I'd rather wait for the episode to be released. By the way, Tohkann, I've wanted to share a little idea with you about the series. I'll send you a message... that is, if you're interested.

  10. IC: OnakuAnd so, Ace and Onaku continued their journey towards Kini-nui. What they'd find there was a mistery to Ace, but Onaku was more determined then ever. He knew what he was looking for, or more like WHO he was looking for. He was there... he'd find him there... At Kini-nui. He couldn't be late...OOC: Sorry for being in-active lately, I've been working on a school-project, but now that's over, so I should be able to return to a regular pace now...

  11. IC: ArdokuArdoku slowly got out of the bed, and looked around himself. He was in a strange white room, the walls and floor were smooth, and it was as if glass was laid over them. There were no edge where the walls met, instead, one wall took a smooth curve into the next. In the walls were lines, glowing with white light. "Where the karz am I?"Ardoku looked around as suddenly, an opening appeared on one of the walls. There hadn't been any indication that there was a door there, so this surprised him. How ever, the toa of plasma decided it was worth exploring, so he went through the door. He now stood in a hallway, interior design was of the same sort as before. There was no visible being around there, so he decided to walk down the hallway (His door had been at the edge of the hallway).He stumbled upon an another opening, like the one before. He went through, and there an amazing sight met him. A large city stretching out as far as the eye could see, it's design in style with the interior, smooth, white, lines of pure light... but something was amiss here. Ardoku figured out what was wrong, it was as if this city was dead, there was no one here, not a single person in sight... "What is this place?"

  12. IC: Onaku"Actually, I am heading for Kini-nui." Onaku looks upon Ace as he is given the 'puppy eyes' "Look, I'm not taking you with me, but I can't stop you from coming along, so as long as you stay silent and don't bother me any more than you have, then I'm fine with it." Onaku then turned around and began walking.

  13. IC: Tirokk & EvryaThe toa of iron nodded, "I'm probably as ready as needed be... what about you?" Tirokk asked as he turned towards the toa of water. "Are you ready?"Evrya smiled as she remarked "I don't really need any supplies, I have everything ready... So yes, I am ready." Toa Tirokk turned to face Agni. "I think we're all ready..."

  14. IC: ArdokuWhat this toa of plasma saw next was something far beyond imagination. A large rift in the sky seemed to open up, a rift in the fabric of space............The next thing Ardoku remembered was waking up in a bed...

  15. IC: Ardoku"To Le-wahi..." Perhaps this trip wasn't going to be that bad after all. He decided to simply be ready with his melee weapons, but release all the plasma from his body. He was about to discreetly release the energy from his body... When something went wrong. What should have been a precise beam of plasma directed at a safe spot, turned into a violent stream of said element. "Uh oh..." The next thing he knew was that he was flying, up into the sky... He'd fortunately activated his hau in time...OOC: Btw, Mef, sorry, I just had to see what sort of reaction I'd get for it :P

  16. IC: Ardoku"I can fend for my self, thank you." Ardoku then jumped onto the boat. Unknown to either Renod or his accomplice, Ardoku had a charge of plasma coursing through out his veins, ready to be discharged when needed. Another lucky thing was that, although a toa of plasma, he was a sufficient swimmer, and if he were to be thrown into the water, he could always swim away... But he didn't trust in that sort of luck. He had to be ready for a fight, a very hard fight.

  17. IC: TirokkThe toa of iron activated his kakama and sped to Agni's side, all in a matter of a second. "Well, I bought 20 bottles of potions that are supposed to heal injuries, take a look." He says as he lifts up a bottle of the strange, healthily-green liquid. "Well, someone has to take care of the supplies... you go ahead, I'll make it." He says, smiling, while poiniting at his mask. The next second, he was gone, off to get more supplies, and then he was back... "Got more supplies, I have some Black-ale... you know, increases stamina and clairity of thought... some bandages, some HEAVY bandages, three backpacks...OOC: Unless either Mef or Agni stops him, he's just going to go on. :P By the way, he can indeed carry all of that...---------------------------------------------IC: Onaku"If what you say of Nessarose is correct, then I am nothing like her. I enforce justice, in a just manner, I always learn of all that has happened, then take judgement upon it... but that does not matter now..." Onaku says as Ace hits him again, and, like the last time, wouldn't budge. "Now introductions aside, where are YOU going?"

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