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Posts posted by Onaku

  1. Granted, but due to me corrupting your wish, an alternate reality is spawned from these events, the future people of said reality going back in time and to the current universe to stop the apocalypse from ever occurring. Due to all these events happening, the world peace that was put on the day before is broken... everything goes back to the way it was...I wish I could get started on a worthy web-comic.

  2. This is awesome! Really love the stylised technological design. Although I'm not sure how I feel about the feet. I know their the jumpy things, but I don't know if they'd fit on a Vahki. But still, it looks amazing. Really awesome work! :biggrin:Astris Janus
    I find it painstakingly obvious that the feet are unfinished. Otherwise, this drawing is great, the style you've applied to this mechanical menace is applaud-able to say the least.
  3. This looks good, the torso is done right, the staff looks tad fine to me... I'd say this has a definite chance of winning... That is, as long as someone doesn't pull out an amazing piece later on... which is unfortunately likely. Good job though.

  4. This looks good, seems all the parts are where they should be, it's great that someone would take it on to himself to put this all together in one place. I haven't really been following the progress of The RZ Kit, so there isn't much more I can say... But good job.

  5. When I looked at my desktop yesterday, I realized I wanted a new background... but where would I find one? I wanted to have it bionicle related, but I couldn't find one that I liked. That was when I decided to simply make one myself. So, I present to you, my custom made bionicle desktop background, with every inch (title excluded) hand-drawn. And I decided to share it with you. I may even make more of these so stay tuned.Background 1:Low-quality JPEG- 167KBHigher-quality JPEG- 539KB (Coming soon)High-Definition PNG- 8,51MBComments and criticism are always welcome.

  6. IC: Toa Ardoku"Isn't it also possible that he had a toa do the large stride footprints, and himself did false, small footprints to throw us off? I will follow the shorter stride, you go with the other path..."

  7. IC: Toa Ardoku"We'll split up, and trace both prints, then..." Ardoku threw a flare gun to Fehron "... if you find him, or someone who might possibly be him, shoot a flare into the sky, I will do the same if we find him first..."

  8. IC: EntrixThe toa of air quickly jumped after Ardoku's gukko, and flew off using his mask. He slowly caught up with them, and then followed them for the rest of the trip.OOC: Ardoku, Entrix, Kranuka and Kotahk to Ko-Wahi?

  9. IC: Ardoku"Well, anyone that CAN fit on the bird get on now, the rest is going to have to find some other ride..." Ardoku took one leap onto the front-most part of the bird's back. "Kranuka, you're with me. Same goes for you, Kotahk."

  10. IC: Ardoku"I'll try..." Ardoku went out of the inn, and onto the large platform it was on. He then took out his flute, and played a short melody. In a few seconds, the same bird as before landed on the platform, one wing a bit scraped, but that wouldn't be much of a problem for now. "Well then... shall we?""I won't need a ride, I'll just fly along...."OOC: By now you probably realize that Entrix is just a side-character :P

  11. Granted, however, you thus reach a point in your insanity where you seem, talk and behave as if you were perfectly sane... and then you die.Edit: Darn, ninja'dGranted, but this plan includes no profit of any kind, and only pain for yourself... It's guaranteed to work though.I wish I could rule the world, and share it with anyone I'd like to...

  12. You can, but for that to happen, you must ascend to the next dimension, and leave all that you knew behind... your former life becomes meaningless as your new one begins... your life... as a four dimensional being...

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