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Status Updates posted by hatok

  1. Merry Christmas/Holiday! :)

  2. Merry Christmas/Holiday! :)

  3. Merry Christmas/Holiday! :)

  4. Merry Christmas/Holiday! :)

  5. Merry Christmas/Holiday! :)

  6. Oh yeah, this makes us a T.E.A.M.

  7. Don't worry, this is just another one of your crazy schemes.

  8. But they're all the SAAAAaaaaaAAAMMME

  9. I'll take the BLUE PILLLLLL!!!!

    Or the Red one... whichever...

  10. The Spy Peanut Butter

    That's what, think up your own food!

  11. So, what you just stole it's idea? Can't you think up your own ideas!?

  12. w/ chocolate chips

  13. You should start a holiday for Mangosteens if you like em' so much...

    And eat am' more ^_^

  14. You're just jealous because we're complimenting your game.

  15. It's not to late to Guest Star, PM me ^_^

  16. Not late, PM me ^_^

  17. Did you have to go and post that Gavla? You ruined the surprise of the climax in Mercenus Chronicles.

  18. New Sig!

    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    Your Snowball powers don't work on me!

  19. I think I have to quit TI, sorry...

  20. Yeah I think I'll quit the project thing, I want to focus on my movie anyways :)

  21. I know, this Overlord guy is nuts!

  22. Nashu? Nashu! NAAAASHUUUUUUU!

  23. Your name in onsense! I'm the only one who's NOT NONSENSE!

    Oh and I'm immune to Skewering because I'm a Shish Kebab

  24. Why though?

    If your anything like Ultimate Overlord and Metal Overlord then I can just turn Super and throw a plane at you.

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