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Status Updates posted by hatok

  1. Rangans can't drive... but they... Can... DANCE!

  2. What's MS Paint?

  3. You know... all things considered, that Red Button still looks pretty tempting...

  4. The little blue things gives it away...

  5. Well... Gavla doesn't sound very female to me...

  6. Gavla is a female name?

  7. Every 12 year old on BZP likes Kingdom Hearts it seems... though it's pretty likeable...

  8. I dare you to prove to me that you have nothing to prove to me.

  9. Hey, you have a Keyblade! I prefer Oblivion myself...

  10. I bought my minute of life back on E-Bay

  11. Shadows? well... Bread of Darkness is pretty tasty, but besides that not really... where did you get shadows from anyways?

  12. NO! It needs MOAR SPIKEHS!

  13. Super Mario R-P-G- the game is the only one just for me... when I played the game I got lost in the phase, then I found out I'm stuck'in Genos maze!

  14. A Red Herring is a misleading fish to distract tracking dogs.

    But Khols is Justice Wargraves Red Herring

    Rangan: You should add Manga Spikes! :P

  15. Well YOU'RE a Red Herring

  16. Hi, cutting in randomly, but I found Solace kinda shallow... and why was there no mention of the solace half of the Quantum?! :P

  17. Analysis: IT'S OVER 9000!



    Analysis In Your Base that belongs to us.

  18. Analysis:

    Not in Space

  19. Analysis:

    Mangan Mercenus

  20. Conspiracy time!

    I saw some jumbo oranges with an 'sk' logo... Superkids sword can be considered 'jumbo' and it's orange!

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