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Blog Entries posted by Trijhak

  1. Trijhak
    Ekimu, Lava Beast, and Storm Beast arrived in the mail today.
    Ekimu's Magical Growth Spurt is a pretty good set. He finally got rid of that impractical hammer-gun and replaced it with a hammer, in addition to mounting his shield to his forearm so he can wield his hammer two-handed if he so wishes. Hammer is a pretty creative and clever arrangement of pieces that creates a shape one mold probably wouldn't be able to replicate. Also, the transparent blue is excellent him. He's like the Toa, but also a bit different, probably because he uses both gear functions and is mostly transparent. Also, the Umarak mask is pretty cool looking although it's puzzling why it appears in the set.
    Lava Beast, well, visually, IMO, Lava Beast is the least cluttered-looking of the monsters - no immediately obvious function parts and no ball joints or cups that don't do anything. Biggest downside is the lower legs, which really could've been done better if they were done more like Storm Beast's lower legs, which look significantly better. The blades on the arms also have gears to them which give them quite a bit of friction when the ones that swivel, well, swivel. Also, the new armour piece works the best on Lava Beast, IMO.
    Storm Beast is more about the function than the look, although the function's parts don't really stand out that much, fortunately. Storm Beast also has significantly better lower legs than Lava Beast. Storm Beast's function is a good idea in concept, however it's not as good as people thought it would be - it causes the arms and tail to flop around a lot, and they won't stay in place if raised, not to mention it doesn't work 100% perfectly - when you pull the tail down, for instance, there is a good chance one arm will be slightly lower than the other. Also, the colours are pretty decent and probably the most eye-catching blend of the beasts. Transparent lime, dark blue (let's just call it that because calling it metru blue is outdated nonsense), and transparent blue go together quite well.
    However, the jaws of the beasts are pretty bad. They're more or less fixed in place unless you want to pop the mask of, which you probably don't because few masks fit the beast's heads with the jaw attachments. Not to mention that you can already see the lower jaw of the transparent lime head - so it looks there's this weird, out-of-place gunmetal thing attached to the sides of their heads. It puzzles me why LEGO didn't repurpose the 'masks-pop-off' function of pressing down on the eyestalks to open and close the jaws, as there was a perfect opportunity for it.
    Ekimu > Lava Beast > Storm Beast
  2. Trijhak
    (Is Inaner a word?)
    Imagine this: you are in a room. In this room is a table - a long one, in the shape of an oval, with a large hole in the middle. The table's surface is about 90cm in width. There are chairs on the inner side of the table, and there are people sitting in all but one. You are in the middle of this central position. As you walk towards the empty chair, the heads of the people start to turn. Towards you, even to degrees that should not be possible - on the chair on the opposite side of the inner circle, someone's head is the wrong way. As you sit down, they get up, still staring at you. They are not blinking, and they are also not breathing.
    What do you do?
  3. Trijhak
    Which is your favourite Skull Skeleton?
    Which transparent colour do you prefer?
    What do you think of the gold+transparent blends of the masks?
    Why do you think Tahu and Gali don't have any?
    Skull Scorpio sucks?
    Do you think we'll get a Makuta set next year?

  4. Trijhak
    Does this text appear to be orange or red? I asked someone elsewhere and they said 'red'... except I kind of perceive this colour as orange? Just asking because I'm confused now.
  5. Trijhak
  6. Trijhak
    More questions for the good people of BZPower, after the reception of the last entry. About games still, more about what people think.

    How long should a game keep you entertained for?
    What genre are you fond of?
    What makes a game for you specifically?
    What breaks a game for you specifically?
    How much of an impact does appropriate music have?
    How much of an impact does a well-done atmosphere have?
    How much of an impact does difficulty have?
    User-created characters or pre-established characters?
    Linear, non-linear, or a mix of both?
    What's the most entertaining set of mechanics you have come across within a game?

    Bonus: What's the most hilarious bug you've encountered?
    Bonus #2: Heroic Acts, Neutral Approaches or Villainous Plots?
  7. Trijhak
    What's your favourite CCBS 'torso' shell? (2.0, Breakout, Brain Attack, Hulk et cetera)
    What's your favourite CCBS shell attachment? (Ordeal of Fire Fire piece, round + square breakout attachment pieces, bonkle piston piece et cetera)
    What;s your favourite CCBS head? (2.0, Brain Attack, Bonkle)
    What's your favourite CCBS weapon?
    What's your favourite CCBS miscellaneous piece? (technic beam with ball joint, friction extender, et cetera pieces like that don't fit anywhere else)
    What recolours of pieces would you like to see in 2016 and beyond?
    What new pieces would you like to see in 2016 and beyond?

    1. I for one like the Brain Attack torso the best.
    2. I like the piston attachment.
    3. I like the Brain Attack head.
    4. That sword piece, if generic and overused.
    5. Technic beam with ball joint. Friction extenders break way too easily for their intended purpose IMO.
    6. The Brain Attack colour in something other than silver or gunmetal.
    7. I don't know I lack the imagination and creativity to design new parts, but a double ball-joint in the style of the CCBS double y-joint would be nice although you can pretty much already replicate that with a 5-length axle and three of those ball joints with an axle hole in the middle. Instead I'm going to say a more durable friction extender.
  8. Trijhak
    I'll be able to change my name soon.
    Currently we have the following names pre-suggested (both by Portalfig I believe):
    1. Plues (misspelled variant of 'Pulse')
    2. The Pun-isher (Disclaimer: I have ran out of puns.)
    This is the part where you suggest other names. There's no limits, except you absolutely cannot suggest 'KITTENS FOR FISTS' this time.
  9. Trijhak
    Good story doesn't excuse bad gameplay, nor does it excuse anything else.
    I would see where you're coming from if we were talking about good gameplay and bad story - but here, I don't. What do we play games for? Gameplay, I would think. Would they still be games without gameplay? Story can enhance a game, yes, but there are several other mediums stories can be told through, in most of which story is more important. Ideally, we would have good story and good gameplay, but that's often hard to come by, especially in AAA games that are just endless rehashes/reskins of previous games. Recently there's also been a lot of nonsense about 'immersion', whatever the heck that's supposed to mean, used to justify mildly irritating features.
    There's also a sort of popular train of thought - x game is good because it is good and you are absolutely not allowed to criticise it, x developer is good because we said so, x game is bad because we said so and cannot ever change from being bad despite us being in the age where games can be digitally patched, x developer is bad because of a thing they did a decade ago even though x liked developer did something similar last year. x publisher is also bad because they did THAT THING!!!! x publisher is better, they released [hyped game] for [free/at a discount]! [indie game] is great, never bad! All DLC is bad and can never be done well! Apparently, once you have a reputation, it is set in stone. Nothing ever changes. Nobody's willing to think just a little different and look at things from a different perspective. There's a lot of games put onto pedestals, and equally as much put down. Also, sometimes people seem at each other's throats for a variety of reasons, sometimes as little as liking the 'wrong thing' [how dare you like console/computer]
    Let's ask you a few questions, people of BZPower! Yes, I am asking you, not your friend's cat or your dad's mate.
    Does good story excuse bad gameplay?
    Does good gameplay excuse bad story?
    What is your opinion of Downloadable Content?
    How can it be done well?
    Examples of good and bad DLC?
    A much praised game you think is terrible?
    A much maligned game you think is actually quite good?
    What do you think makes a good game?

    Bonus question, because I want to know what people mean when they say this: What does 'immersion' even mean‽
  10. Trijhak
    Thinking about it, the Barraki were probably among the best waves in G1 BIONICLE. They weren't clones of each other, unlike the Bohrok, Rahkshi, Vahki. Hordika, Piraka, or Inika. They were quite distinct from each other, and yet they belonged together, and you could definitely see how they resembled creatures of the sea, well, most of them. Kalmah is probably the one with the weakest design, seeing as he looks nothing like a squid. Ehlek and Takadox have the strongest designs, and Mantax, Carapar, and Pridak are somewhere in the middle.
    These sets, I believe, are probably the best example of what made G1 good. Not terrible, not bad, but good. They're distinct, similar, eschewed the clone-sets of previous waves and did something new, and I also believe they are the G1 sets most similar to G2's villain sets: they follow the same theme, yet they are all distinct.
  11. Trijhak
    Back in 2006 when I was ten years old, it wasn't that long ago I had finally got to see Mask of Light. Which is the first bonkle film, about the search for the seventh Toa, Takanuva, Toa of Light and later Shadow but then just Light again. How the Avohkii transformed Takua into Takanuva stuck with me.
    So when 2006 rolled around and the Mask of Life was a thing the Piraka were searching for, as were the Toa Inika, I did the thing that seemed logical at the time: I thought that one of the Voya Nui Matoran would find the Mask of Life, put it on, and become VEZON, PIRAKA OF LIFE. I was thinking that it'd totally be Piruk because I liked green sets the best at the time.
    Then, of course, it didn't happen like that and I got upset because I wanted to know where Vezon came from. WHO WAS HE AND WHAT MATORAN WAS HE?!?!? I clearly didn't understand what Skakdi were. Then it was revealed Vezon was part of Vezok once, so I thought that when Vezok put on the mask of life, he and Vezon would become one.
    Then 2007 happened and the Ignika decided it wanted to go diving. I was thinking that Dekar would put on the mask and become... HYDRAXILOS AND SPINOCTUNKA. No, not really. I did briefly wonder at the time why there wasn't a Gadunka + Hydraxon + Maxilos combiner like there had been with that kind of set for the past three years.
    Also, here's a little blast from the past for some of you: Remember when people were theorising that Toa Ignika was Matoro?
  12. Trijhak
    Tell me something, BZP members. Because I have these final questions, I therefore hope that I shall have no more. Fairly simple to answer.

    What is your favourite game of all time, and why? What has come close to replace it at the top of the list? Has it replaced a game that used to be there? What areas does it excel in?

    Last Bonus: What games underwhelmed you?
    A lot of my entries seem to be asking questions, I should stop.
  13. Trijhak
    Is it just me, or is it a little too big for Ekimu's head? Ekimu can hardly move his head with the Mask of Creation, and the gold-blue protector mask doesn't while also fitting the colour scheme better.
    Has anyone ever attempted to put gearboxes on a gearbox that turns the aforementioned gearboxes, and these gearboxes that are turning have their own gear function?
  14. Trijhak
    It's like a loud voice in your head drowning out any other.
    It's the voice in your head twisting a reasonable course of action into one that seems unreasonable and unthinkable, while it makes you take an unreasonable course of action, because it's telling you that if you take the reasonable course of action, the worst possible scenario will happen.
    It's the voice in your head telling you to pity yourself, that you should be sorry for simply existing.
    It's the voice in your head telling you to isolate yourself, because if you don't others will judge you and hate you because it's telling you you're a terrible person who's wasting their time.
    It's the voice in your head telling that it's the only thing keeping you from being a worse person, that it's the only thing keeping you in check.
    It's the voice that demands you do what it wants loudly.
    I refuse.
    I have found that even though it drowns out other voices... there are some it cannot drown out, once you listen to them. Another, more confident voice, strengthened by the support of friends; emboldened by the knowledge of what one is capable of; and actualised by the desire to finally get rid of it.
    No more listening to that voice, which has interfered with so much, and helped never.
  15. Trijhak
    Is Takanuva white and gold or

    If you had to drop one Toa from the current six Toa we have, who would it be?
    If you had to add ONE and ONLY ONE Toa to G2 from G1, who would it be?
    If you had to remove an element, which would it be?
    If you had to add one element that isn't already in G2, which would it be?
    If you went to sleep and had an island paradise sprout up over your face, how would you react?
    If you were in charge of Generation 3, what would you do with it?
    If your mask was alive, what would you think of it?
    If bonkles were edible, what flavours would they be?
    If the Hero Factory build a Hero Factory on Okoto, how would everyone react to the revelation that HF = G2?
    It is not too late to answer question, for you are the MASTER OF... which element?
    How advanced is Okoto in your minds?
    What if the Ancient City is abandoned because it was swarmed by clowns? Not just any clowns, mind you. Evil clowns. Evil, scary, horrifying terrifying abominations called clowns.
    One day, you are walking along to the bonkle store. You stop in your tracks as you see that the much-anticipated and hyped-up spring 2016 wave of bonkles has come to the stores. It is a clown-themed wave. How do you react?
    The Protectors have a dark secret. What is this dark secret?
    In your house, your bonkles have starting looking at you. Every time you look at them, their heads are staring straight at you. Their heads move to face you when you move. Whenever you go to sleep and then wake up later, their arms are outstretched towards you, weapons aimed at you. What happens?

  16. Trijhak
    The Poster
    So, what can we learn from this, my fellow bonkle fans? I think I should call bonkle fans 'bonklons'. So, anyway, with that out of the way, what can we learn from this poster, bonklons?

    Ekimu and Umarak are now massive, separated by a volcano that doesn't know how volcanoes are supposed to work. It would appear that Ekimu and Umarak are now in 40-million feet tall robots, and we are seeing their heads here, as they intensely stare at each other - which is totally not an overdone thing.
    Upon looking closer, it is clear that Ekimu, at least, does not have a neck. His giant, transparent blue mask is just floating there, perhaps an ominous foreshadowing of his inevitable betrayal. Never trust ominous floating things.
    Umarak appears to have a mostly certainly odd case of having a jaw below his chin. That, or it's a beard.
    The ground appears to be cracking open, with the right side shrouded in an ominous green mist. Just like Metru Nui in 2005! Except without the spiders. I hate spiders, especially giant ones. Thankfully there are no Skull Spiders this time. Merely beasts.
    The beasts appear to be appearing from somewhere, but it is hard to discern exactly where, so let us just say that Umarak's giant head with its giant beard is spawning them.
    The volcano appears to be not understand how volcanoes work, and instead of erupting like a normal volcano, it's sending a beam of something up at the sky, perhaps in an attempt to mediate between Ekimu and Umarak. Whatever the case, it still needs to go back to Volcano School.
    Mysteriously, Kopaka appears to be jumping impossibly high and a bit too early, so it looks like Kopaka is about to fall to his death.
    Tahu is doing something equally stupid, by standing on the highest bit of rock he can see, presumably believing that a bird half his size will enable him to fly when strapped to his back. He's in for a surprise.
    Onua appears to be doing the sensible thing and not take an unnecessary jump over a ravine, by taking the longer, safe, and obvious way around. Well done, Onua.
    Mysteriously, Lewa, Gali, and Pohatu are absent. Perhaps they have been whisked away to Irrelevant-Land, much as Nex and Stringer (of the Hero Factory That Didn't Produce Much Heroes Beyond The Nine But Then Seven Main Ones) once were.

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