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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. *sigh* Spammers, when will they leave?

  2. *sigh* Yes, but obnoxious fads are not awesome, and I'd much rather get profile views the old-fashioned way. :P

  3. *snore*

    burn stuf!!11!!1


  4. A comment!

    I haven't gotten one o' them for a good few centuries...

  5. According to Mr. Anonymous, I "can has" weasels, so they're probably the ones that ripped your flesh.

    Sorry. Please don't sue me.

  6. Actually, he once posted in English claiming to have hypnotized himself.

  7. adn den dis guy cam up adn sed "u cin hav meh cuzzins compuoter i nok'd him owt adn tuk it frum him" and cso i wuz liek "cuul i had a cusin once"

  8. alrite gurky but doez taht meen im a sesnibal comint??///??/?

  9. An admin just turned 6?

    That's worrying.

  10. And needed to be brakelatabasaasta fed.

  11. And the new games where Sparx is practically human... And all the other stuff they messed up...

  12. At last! I've been freed!

    *is buried in mail*

  13. At least the sheep aren't human... Wait, there are no sheep anymore! :o

  14. Beeth thou baffled?

  15. Beware my stinger tail!

  16. brakelatabasaasta eat me

  17. Brakethalatabasaasteth feedeth me some fodder.

  18. buht i thott u waer gurky?/////??///? o i c ur gralacki now???//??

  19. But I thought I was THE MAGICAL COMMENT WEASEL...?

  20. d0od; leik nuh!11!!111!!57!one!

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