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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. i iz a bezpwoer mmbebmar lol

  2. i iz ar et meh ht3 weezul

  3. i jsut raliz'd blad tieton mad anuther misleedin comint....>.>>. frust he sez hez guna kil himslef adn den he sez hiz moam ayt him dats leik canablism i no i got aretsed 4 it 1s!!!!1!!1

  4. I just realized our local times are exactly the same. o_0

    Assuming yours is accurate.

  5. i kno i heyt blaid 2

    o wiat srory

  6. I new noob comedies would kill me eventually...

  7. i no al abowt plotikz bcuz i tryd 2 swalo brak obma 1z

  8. i noez!!111!!11!365!!1

  9. I once ate a weasel. It tasted crunchy.

    Why did you add me as a friend, though? Didn't I report one of your comedies once? :P

  10. i r eet drak blaizr agin

  11. i r eet pokemanz 4 brek fst

    arceusz tast gud

  12. I remember said noob comedy... The author of it added me to his friends list after I reported it. o_0

  13. i rly rly hate mudkipz.

  14. I say a topic. I'll start it, unless anyone else wants to.


  16. I spend tons of time on BZP every day; I just don't always have anything to post.

  17. I think Ebba misinterpreted Blade's comment about getting his art teacher angry as saying we had to stop the noob thing. o_0

  18. I think I broke the sentence.

  19. I think that was just a recommendation for the Noob War MAS idea that the last few comments were discussing; not an actually attempt to continue to noob war.

  20. I think you should start it now. Should we have a specific author cycle?

  21. I use Photoshop for the most part. I used to use GIMP a lot, though.

  22. I used to have a Nanonicle sprite there; I'm just too lazy to change my sig. :P

  23. i uzed to hayt mehslef 2

    but den i tryd to jupm of a bildine so dey tuk me 2 hte sikiatrizt

    adn the sickyatrisht sed i caznt hait mehsulf aneemor

    so i sed ur a meny mr phycyakrist

  24. i watn to burn tem al no wait i want to freez thm all no wyit i watn to bern dem ahl no weit

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