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Status Updates posted by Bluenuhvok765

  1. What do you mean? Even The Prince agrees my name is not a rip-off!

  2. Do you want to play GH3?

  3. What's funny? The hot dog that my puppy just licked? Wait, no!

  4. .......

    Yay. Send me a link when you're done. I'm just too depressed right now. STUPID SCIENCE FAIR. WHY? WHY?

  5. Yes, thank you! I am still interested. :) I'm taking 5 masks, you're taking ?, CORPERAL PUNISHMENT is taking ?

  6. It's ok, you didn't know I did. XP I was searching up the 8-Bit Halo Music *BTW, awesome!* and after watching it, I noticed the rick roll. :P

  7. Alright. I figured it out, but I don't think he's a staff member:


  8. Ooohh, I agree, squigers ARE awsome! Are they real? If so, I found myself a new pet! :o)

  9. How you find out?

  10. Alright. I am giving you the liberty of chosing what you want to do for me in exchange for your card, but that game is more important to me.............. ^_^

  11. I just noticed you wished me luck for my performance. Thanks, it went perfect! Better than I expected. :)

  12. No, Sonic owns ALL with his final smash! :P

  13. Hey. Sorry, I'm just not in the mood for BZP. I just seemed to out grow it now, especially since the cards got taken down. There are tons of things I said I'd do but still haven't started. And a lot of explaining to do. I'll be back in a few weeks *or tomorrow*.

  14. Lucy is currently in the sky holding diamonds in her hands, with kalaidascope eyes! >:D *refference to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

  15. Don't worry, it is truely, this time, my FINAL order. :)

  16. NUMBER 9.

    NUMBER 9.

    NUMBER 9.

    NUMBER 9.

    NUMBER 9. :P Just the only "lyrics" to the "song" Revolution 9 by the Beatles.


  17. Hi. What brings you to my profile?

  18. Hello! I know I've seen you from somewhere........

  19. The book was rather enthralling, too! :P

  20. Welcome to BZP! :) 2 total posts........ 8 more and you could use your messaging thingamajiger. :P It's basically like emailing people, but in BZP. Hey, I have one quick question..... *:P* Do you know where the blue Zatth card is, or what website I can find it on? :P

  21. Hm, well, at least I think we were. Don't you remember the pm's we were giving to each other when I first joined? About my first topic? Well, sorry to disturb you, I'll respect that, 'k?

  22. YEah, that'll just make the shunning worst. It's true, evil name!


  24. Wait, so now, my profile became a chat box for a while? AWESOME! My age changes each month to ensure safety against ID theft. I'm hilarious?

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