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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. i liek waffels


  2. I LOST A BEE!

    Quick, get me some food and make me forget about it!

  3. I never see half my Member Spotlight nominations anyway. =P

  4. I once found ketchup in GREEN and PURPLE.

  5. I prefer Not-So-Delayed Instant Tacos.

    Oh, and I PMed you how I found out.

  6. I recommend you wear dark clothing so it appears less noticeable.

    Oh, and good job, by the way. We have word that a boy armed with a baseball bat is approaching the McGyiyg.

  7. I remeber how my cousin had a demo version of Lego Racers (the original). Something about it creeped me out, though I don't remeber what.

  8. I remember when I was lucky enough to defeat ten enemies in Cruel Brawl in SSBB. Good times.

    *notices pattern in comments*

  9. I saw it at a grocery store.

  10. I saw your name and was all "Hey who is this guy and why is he on my friend list" and then I saw your posts and was all "Oh that's why"

  11. I sort of figured you were playing the role of the disguise. Now why isn't the Burger King tied in a closet?

  12. I think he doesn't care anymore. OR, he doesn't care about US anymore...

  13. I think I have one of those somewhere...

    *clears hard drive looking for kraata*

    Well, there goes TMU: Episode 13.

  14. I think I should start it, actually. I posted the first comic. =P

  15. I though it was contortical!

  16. I thought I SENT the PM! What happened?!

  17. I tried fixing it. That's the cheapest light bulb I've ever seen.

  18. I updated the rules. You can now make two more, if you want!

  19. i wihs hte wurld wuz moar liek halo

  20. I'll have to edit my sig.

  21. I'm actually thinking about quitting comedy-writing. No one appreciates my work, and all I get is blade_titan974, who I believe is stalking me.

  22. I'm already aware you're supposed to mail them, Blade. In fact, how'd you think I got in second (subject to change) on Ebba's contest?

  23. I'm guessing you haven't heard the news...

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