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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. and we are officially aware that the answer to question is....

  2. Oh.

    It's almost 10:00 PM where I live right now.

  3. You can probably get 'em through group effort, Ebba.

    By the way, I REEEALLY need carburators and spoilers.

  4. This is probably the most explosive one yet.

  5. Wrong! You get a 0 for that exam, Ebba!

  6. I don't know. But he was stung by a Portugese-man-of-war (a very dangerous jellyfish).

  7. ur not a rel noob wer gona hav 2 bern u on a staek

    BURN STUF!!11!!11!!!!1111!!

  8. Yeah. . .

    I was referring to the fact that it's right there at the top.

    Speaking of Steak Boy Buys a Bowling Ball, I must have read it seven times but I keep forgetting to post in it.

    Not trying to be hard on myself that time. . .

  9. You have to enter your Kanoka Codes into the B.I.O. code machine. I think. I know it's from 2006 to 2007. I'll check to see if 2004 works.


  10. Or Assault Titan! LOL

  11. No, I said I didn't know who lost on it. It could've been a noob, for all I knew. Had no idea I lost.

    By the way, I lost on yours. Now we're even.

    Who won second, Ebba?

  12. "GAAH!



  13. Gah! T4 not voting!

  14. *opens Ebba's mouth to speak to Dark Blazer*

    NO U

  15. This next batch of noobs have gotten into a weapons shipment and are using the stolen swords, guns, and grammar-hammers as weapons.

  16. *eats money*

    *realizes is slowly turning into Steak Boy*

    *grabs random baseball bat and whacks on Blade Titan974 and Xaeraz*

  17. We are still awaiting word from McGyiyg.

  18. Hey, Comic Land Wikia isn't working!

    "Wikia is sadly having problems. Our backend servers are not responding. We are working to fix it as soon as possible."


  19. Oh, and I've set up a Bonehunter Trap Module. Don't bother clicking on it now, fellas. . .

    until you save Vulcanus, too.

  20. liek zomg dats crepy i ordurd a grild stufed burito wiht hcicken adn suor craem adn dey gaev me beef

  21. That's... gotta be painful.

  22. We have finished business in McStarman Base #XX56, a former Wal-Mart. You may now blow it up.

  23. Send out the McStarmen! We'll ambush him and capture him and take him back to one of our McStarman bases for interrogation.

  24. adn hten hteyd maek mega bloks sets wiht us in htem

  25. ebab wai do u liek pikkels

    o wait so do i

    nevur midn

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