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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Ferhago: See, if I act like a kid til I have kids, then I can act like a teenager when I have kids and be the awesomest parents ever
    Ferhago: Then when I'm an old man I'll act like a young-to-middle-aged-man
    Ferhago: And then I'll die in a tragic boating accident.
    Avohkah Tamer: That'd be my youth pastor at church.
    Avohkah Tamer: ...timing
  2. Boogie Monsta
    Me: Just found your house! =D
    E: lol.. and that's not creepy at all.
    Me: Nope. We were taking furniture froma friend and they live on the same street as your Mustang.. You're not on my stalk list =D
    E: I live down across the entrance, there's no parking at my house
    Me: Ah, okie. Not that I'll use the knowlege of where you live or anything <=D Btw you left a light on on the west side..
    E: Ooh, ok. I's sorry I quite literally just woke up..
    Me: I know =D Don't forget to make your bed, you did that a lot last week..
    E: I always get in trouble for that..
    Me: I'd help but I haven't managed to find where you hide your outside key
    E: Really? it's not that difficult. A stalker of your caliber should've had no problem.. tsk tsk dave.
    Me: =[ It's under the mat, isn't it? I thought that was just an urban legend.. Never checked there..
    E: dave dave dave.. never reject the classics.
    Me: True dat. Don't worry about your bed, then, just go about your business..
    E: aye-aye comrade.. Just do me one favor: spare the box on the shelf
    Me: Oh THAT box. The fun box. =D Sure. Can I have the cat, tho? I luv to cuddle it.. It smells like you..
    E: There's a cat?! huh..
    Me: You didn't know you had a cat? His name is Arnold, he's quite friendly
    E: Oh god.. This scares and intrigues me all at the same time..
    Me: I can't believe you never noticed him.. Maybe it's cuz I always clean the cat hair off your bed before you get home
    E: You know.. that could be it.. the missing yarn all makes sense now
    Me: >_< Can't believe I forgot to replace that.. Go to work and it'll be back.
    E: Ooh okay, thank you very much.. I was behind in my holiday scarf-making
    Me: No problem. Ooh Ooh, what color is mine? 8D
    E: lol.. what color would you like.. i might be able to plug one out.. maybe.
    Me: How about that black one with a bee on it at the bottom of the basket? It'll help me blend in with the outside-your-window at night.
    E: basket? and black w/ bee? ummm. i think you might be confusing my house with your other stalkee..
    Me: Nah, the basket in your mom's closet where all the knitting stuff is. Isn't that what you use?
    E: oh no.. that hasn't been touched in ages. My mom gave up knitting forever ago. mine would be the sloppy crochet-work on the desk.
    Me: Oh, ok. That explains it then. I don't usually pay attention to what your mom is doing.. That'd be creepy.
    E: you know.. i don't think creepy can even define it anymore..
    Me: You're probably right. We need a new word that means the level of creepy when you put on someone's nail polish.. My thumb is still shiny.
    E: lol. That's rad.. despite your protesting i always knew you liked it
    Me: Lol yup. Tell anyone you know that and the fun box gets it tho..
    E: lol. dang.. everytime you get something good you can't use it..
    Me: =P That's because you're not me =D and if you were that'd be weird and I'd have to stalk myself.. Which would be too easy..
    E: not necessarily.. you could make stalking yourself a challenge and that could be somewhat fun
    Me: "Hmm.. What was my favorite type of cookie? Better leave some out for myself.." Could be beneficial! =D
    E: it could be.. it would be like a new fun game..
    Me: Yep, I'm totally doing that now. Although that'll take away my stalking time from you =[
    E: it's okay.. i think i can relinquish it to a worthy adversary..
    Me: Alrite, I gotta study for finals now.. Don't move the key, I have to get this nail polish off later.
    E: okie dokie.. have fun
  3. Boogie Monsta
    I went there. Just one day, just an hour or two. It looked about the same, a long hall, vending machines, me with no dollar bills, a prison bus out front, lots of boxes.. And something - someone - else. Just walking, talking, buying snacks, packing.. Doing what had to be done. Nothing different from any other day like it.
    But it was amazing. I can only hope one day I'll get to go again.. Before it's gone..

  4. Boogie Monsta
    I have no idea what all of this is about, but there's lots of blog entries with this title, so here you are.
    Like a boss.
  5. Boogie Monsta
    I realized that dinosaurs and sharks make everything better.
    I have no dinosaur.
    Thus, life is not better.
    So, as soon as I can, I'm'a go find meself a dinosaur keychain. He'll be on my belt at all times along with my car key.
    How to be happeh in 1 easy step!
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