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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    So I was at the store, and there was this display TV. I heard what it was saying, but couldn't see the screen.
    It had a boy and a girl talking, and the girl said, "I don't wanna be the sexy FBI girl!" And the guy says, "But that would be like me not being the sexy FBI guy!" Then a voiceover came on and said, "The most dynamic duo of television.."
    Around that time I walked to where I could see the screen, and it had Charlie Brown and Lucy on it talking.
  2. Boogie Monsta
    So my youth group is now letting the members invent one month's activity each.
    I'm gonna get about 20 standard issue nerf guns, 1 Vulcan chaingun-type, and 3 or 4 lightsabers. Hide the vulcan and lightsabers in the church somewhere, and send in the youth group, each with a SI gun, and have an all-out war in the church with all the lights off.
    And take video of them rushing in, put it in slow motion and black and white, and set it to Our Truth by Lacuna Coil.
  3. Boogie Monsta
    I just randomly got a picture of some chubby middle school kid standing on a beach and saying "Looks like you got your comeuppance!"
  4. Boogie Monsta
    azuphere (or however you spell it) finally drew a new Pon and Zi! I don't like it as much as some others, but still happeh Maybe he'll do more.
    [images which contain the name of a site with forums may not be posted. -Shine]
  5. Boogie Monsta
    So I randomly remembered this song about a house of a dude who was arrested for cannabalism. The description of the house would totally work with a Bionicle-themed art contest, since severed Bionicle limbs aren't BZP-inappropriate..
    So yeah.
  6. Boogie Monsta
    calvinsauce: shaq is holding a panda, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID
    Ferhago: Unless YOUR happens to reference..
    calvinsauce: *fireworks in background*
  7. Boogie Monsta
    So. As none of you know I once had a comedy, with a small fan following. It can be found here. Read it and tell me if the story is worth continuing in a new topic. On account of taste I'll probably add in slightly more stuff that's actually funny.. 1 per episode is a bit too not-enough.
  8. Boogie Monsta
    When your guests arrive, make sure to force the high schoolers to sit with the middle schoolers. This will get them sufficiently annoyed for the moms to begin talking.
    Pass out a notepad for the teens to write ideas for fun stuff for the group to do. Watch with grim satisfaction as ideas like "Batman Look-Alike Party" and "Airsoft" are put out, knowing that they will be stamped out with ideas like "Nature Park Bash" and "The Zoo".
    When more middle schoolers arrive, allow the actual male teens to move into a corner to suffer together.
    Don't worry about the females, this is the kind of thing they could do all day.
    Let simmer for hours. About halfway through, have one of the middle schoolers start showing off a combat knife. This way the teens will be in even more agony, wishing they had thought of bringing theirs. At least that would be faster.
    When the teens start *67 calling the moms, make sure all the moms have their phones in their purses and on vibrate, so any entertainment there is cut off.
    Just when hope is coming that the teens will get the courage to just stand up and leave, have the middle schoolers start pestering them. The teens will gain a rubber band out of this, but of course the shooter will completely miss the head of the girl nobody likes. And of course they'll all be too chicken to throw the ketchup bottle.
    Finally, when the moms decide to get up and leave, have them talk about how it will be so much fun this year.
  9. Boogie Monsta
    Organize a gathering.
    First, call it a 'Teen' group. This garners little bits of anticipation.
    Second, mention that there will be brainstorming of fun activities.
    Wait a while. This will allow people to realize that most everyone else coming to this are the type of people who would cover their kids' eyes and ears when I pull into the parking lot blaring AC/DC.
    Make sure to update your web site with last year's ideas, such as "TEEN FALL HAYRIDE & CORN MAZE EXTRAVAGANZA" and "ETIQUETTE CLASS".
    Hold your gathering at a Dairy Queen, so that there's no way to do anything fun at all. Like not even a vintage Tekken machine.
    Make sure to make it clear that the entire family is invited, thus making sure that your mom will squelch any rule-bending fun you might be able to have within said Dairy Queen.
    Then, as a death blow, remind people that your definition of 'teen' actually means 'everyone above elementary school,' and all 'teens' are welcome to all events, even the ones that may involve actual fun.
    Strap yourself in.
    2:30 today. So far the only solution Cal and I have come up with is to show up wearing Batman suits. Sadly, the only masks we have between us are an old half Batman one with swimming goggles built in, and an old man one with flowing white hair that's half fallen out.
  10. Boogie Monsta
    ..tried to kill the metal.
    But they failed! As they were thrown to the ground.
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