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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Yes. Especially mounted to an aircraft carrier =D

  2. Yeah, Bumblebee is supremely awesome. 'specially when the mask comes down. I didn't really like the movie Megatron and Starscream tho..

  3. That's so hard to chose.. I've always loved Optimus Prime, so I guess he's it.. But I love the twins too.

  4. LULZ THATS NOTHIG!1! XD XD XD XD XD XD XP XP *americanflag*

  5. =D Yesh. Ferrets eat all the cookies in sight.

  6. *ferret devours cookie*

  7. *crouches behind couch*



  8. I'm more of a rocker.. I like it when there's more than 4 chords in a song. But that's just me =P

  9. Your *4* favorite bands are The Ataris, Weezer, Dragonforce, Demon Hunter, and LoG?

  10. Happened to notice you, it's been a while.. How goes it?

  11. YES. Hobos UNITE and CONQUER. *pumps fist in the air*

  12. DUDE. Your avatar is amazing.

  13. Roffle no. You must spawn more overlords.

  14. 'ello. *is dazzled by Barrakshi b-day drawings*

  15. You're right.. I should've said it about 3 more times. Thanks for the heads-up!

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