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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Alrite, I can email you, I just have to have your address.. I don't think it's on your page.

  2. Hey, gilbertogx gave up.. So you win Kardas for $150! *holds hand in the air* You should make a few more posts around BZP so I can PM you shipping and stuff.

  3. Gilbertogx upped it to $110. Dang, you guys have a lot of money =P

  4. gilbertogx offered $70.. Sorry man =[

  5. Yup. You used to be one of my blog hombres, but then you dizzappeared..

  6. Alrite, I PMed gilbertogx with your bid. I'll tell ya what he replies.

  7. gilbertogx has put up some extra money so he can have Kardas. He's currently paying $58 for him. If you want to pay more you can have him tho. Like bidding on eBay =P

  8. Hello! If you want to buy Kardas, I'll need to know your area code so I can calculate shipping. And just so you know I'm Samara with a name change =)

  9. Stronius' club is proof that LEGO loves us and wants us to be happy.

  10. I lol'd at name. Stephanie has an A.

  11. YES! *disco dances*


  13. XD Your personal statement is win.. 'cept Obama has short hair =P

  14. IT IS. I see you're a Zelda player.. Me too. I'm beast with Zelda, although I have more fun as Pikachu, Ganon, or Lucario.


  16. >=D RAAAR. And now I have new coming-out-of-the-TV abilities! My cookie-eating skillz will be unmatched!

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