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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Blessed Blade

  1. 92% of all BZP members love Plushies, Swert, All Your Base quotes, and fads in general, like the gender fad, the pony fad, the "92% fad", the Transformer fad, the Duck fad, the plushie fad, the "All your base" fad, the "_____ Is Awesome" fad, and more. If you're in the 92% that aren't, copy and paste this VERY long thing into your siggy to save your Matoro and Botar.

    You realize that adds up to 184%...?

    >> << *Sweeps edit under the rug*


    If Swert started blogging again.


    Wait a sec...




    I am "Zyglakky Duckies are in Matoro's base, 56.234% of which died to save Botar's plushies.


    (Oh, just in case yeh don't know who I am, I'm that Red Yoshi newbie from BS01. Remember? Probably not.)

    Hey RY! =D

  2. No prob, I thought you'd like it :)


    Just decent? Hmm... Maybe we should have a battle sometime to see if Decent can beat the one who rarely EV trains, or trains in anything :P *Notices the typo in the BS01 ABBC title* >< *Goes to fix that*

  3. Orange Crush mama it's a blast blast blast~


    Seriously. Orange Crush is the best soda ever, right next to Jones Strawberry Limeade and Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper.


    Also, I pose this question: At fast food restaurant am I the only person who orders their drink "without ice"?

    1. Orange Crush is awesome.


    2. Hmmm... I think I have it with ice a lot...

  4. 92% of all BZP members love Plushies, Swert, All Your Base quotes, and fads in general, like the gender fad, the pony fad, the "92% fad", the Transformer fad, the Duck fad, the plushie fad, the "All your base" fad, the "_____ Is Awesome" fad, and more. If you're in the 8% that aren't, copy and paste this VERY long thing into your siggy to save your Matoro and Botar.

  5. Hmm... Give a year huh... *Looks towards Cholie* Anything I can do to help? </obviouslytryingtogetoncholiesgoodsideifitcomesback>


    Anyway, I thought that it had been enou- Oh wait, try two more days :P


    But I'd recommend PMship, I might try to convince my parents to get it for me myself...


    ...Except it'd be by Snail mail too :P Lots of snails will be delivering mail these days :P

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