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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Yep :-) But if you've seen my comments on his profile then you'll know it's wierd.

  2. Yep :) And woot to you! :)

  3. Yep =D It. Was. Awesome. Oh yeah, Bionicle Conflict's back, and so is TG.

  4. Yep I do. What's up?

  5. Yep it's after 6 here. *Slashes up some Soul Eaters and blasts a Cordak into the Center of their Base for good measure* That should keep them busy for a bit.

  6. Yep XD I switched the last name change XD

  7. Yep, both accurately fit the situations. 0_o

  8. Yep, I do :) Just watched it last night too.

  9. Yep, I got it. That explains why I was offline most of yesterday XD

  10. Yep, the rules confirm it :) But it'd be tomorrow...

  11. Yep, We are brother friends now :)(MegaMan Star force joke there :P)

  12. Yep; he's Bob; who got turned into a Weeping Angel. =)

  13. Yep; though I missed Cold Blood and Vincent and the Doctor due to forgetting the time it was on on Sundays. =P

  14. Yep. =P Apparently there was a reason for it; but yeah, a lot of work. I quoted Matau on it. =P

  15. Yep. =P Unless somehow Wi-Fi appears that you can... borrow. =P

  16. Yep. =P You should get the pun. =P

  17. Yep. =P

    Also; I agree that Twilight Princess, and Midna, are both awesome. Got to play it the other day; and it's fantastic. =D

  18. Yep. But truely I change my name about every other month or so but since I've gotten a posting record or so on NBSC I stick with it. But as I say I'll update with the next entry in the Neo series next time I update.

  19. Yep. Me and Hikaru(Hikaru_A.10_

    Pilot_SkyGuardian or so...) Thought of a great idea for a E-F MMORPG.

  20. Yep. Now if only we could tract down JH if he has an account here...

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