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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Eh, not much. =P

  2. They're called Shadow Leeches, and they drain the light from things like Matoran and Toa.(All that = Confirmed by Greg :-)) Oh, and they're called Tridak(Trydax?) Pods.

  3. LEGO Web comic? I dunno; never heard of one, so I'd assume not. It's a pun on Time Lord. =P

    Also; what's new, Jamesster? It's Blade. =P

  4. He he he... I was wondering when you'd realize. Nah it's just that I'm going back to my original type of Nickname. When I can change next though I might go do the next in the Neo Series.

  5. * Kill total: 1,500,000(1 million, 5 hundred thou.)

  6. ... I think you might've misread that comment...

    Besides; I'm fairly certain both my Life Orbs are still being used by my team...

    And I know I don't have THREE earthquakes; I was meaning that I could easily get the TM, not plural. =P

    And Explosion would be hard in HGSS as well.

  7. I've gotta say SPIRIT, your PSAs, especially "BURN STUFF!!!", are very funny. And I actually like the song at the end of Taka's Recruitment, and it's addicting after a while :) Good job on them :)

  8. Wow. =O How far have you gotten, anyway?

  9. I dunno... What do you want to do? Okay...

  10. *Internal struggle goes to the muscles, and one makes Ichigo's female body twitch and slash off D-X's head* Ouch, sor- NO SORRY! YES SORRY! XD

  11. I know >.> I'm going to clear it now.

  12. *Dodges backwards, then pulls out a watergun of my own* =P

  13. xD Blame Nero. =P

  14. Yeah, unlocking all the part characters are annoying at times... just remember though, there's still other things after the initial story mode go-through.

    Also, is it just me, or does Aizen's hairdo in your avvie remind me slightly of Kisuke?

  15. Happy Easter to you too :)

  16. *Teleports and stabs Sev in the heartlight, abandons sword, and teleports away before he can counter* Wheee! Okay...

  17. No problem! Still can't see anything though...

  18. Ahem. Sorry for that. The name is... *Screen starts to go fuzzy* Gotta hurry! It's Neo Blademan Seed Desti-*Screen goes blank*

  19. HAHAHA! I have 201 of the allowed 200 messages =P

  20. That it is. =P

    Yeah; it does make the line awesome. =P

  21. That's cool. =) And yeah; it's Blade; just a slight name change. =P

  22. No, the one involving her and Zant an- *Gets hit over the head by the same person* You likely won't have had THAT one spoiler. Unless you meant the same one I did. =P Let's just say this one happens before the Arbiter's Grounds.

  23. Good point. =P

    What faction would your Demititan Char be on? Or have you not figured that out yet? =P

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