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Status Updates posted by Visionary

  1. i haven`t seen Scary Movie, just Scream 2.

  2. Ha, funny PP, from Scream. *Snickers*

  3. Yeah, It was fun, and no, I didn`t.

  4. Why hello thar...

  5. I like your Avvie. Who`s on it?

  6. Nothin` much. You?

  7. COMMENT11!!!

    =) What`s up?

  8. * Goes out in win fashion.*

  9. But It`s my ghost. =)

  10. *Abandons Radio-active warfare and and throws Grenade*.

  11. But, before I leave... *Throws an Office Depot store full of Staplers that had been kept in an Atom bomb Warhouse.* You`ll join me!

  12. I knowed that.

  13. Here that? Comment on a WiN page today!

  14. Happy birtday!

  15. You has cools Avvie.

  16. You has Win Avv.

  17. Back to the Show! * Throws flaming Daisy Chains*

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