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Status Updates posted by Visionary

  1. Further notice.

  2. What part of, :No more comments untill further notice," don`t you understand?

  3. No more comments untill further notice.


  4. Welcome to BZPower. PM me if you need any help.

  5. What about, E.T.?

  6. Not doing a very good job kepping Exo out of mine Profile.

  7. Gotta go, in real life. Catch ya later.


  8. Well, I would promise not to revive myself, but I`m dead, remember?

  9. Don`t leave! I`ll let you kill me if you add me to your Friend List.

    Great deal, right?

  10. So hiding enrages you to the point when you feel the need to kill someone?

  11. WAIT!! *Holds up hand* Why? We were having fun before.

  12. Oh. So what`er you going to do with the, BANKAI!! ?

  13. *Unkills meself*

    What`s a, BANKAI!!

  14. * Stops* Oh yeah... Now what?

  15. *Continues to Shriek even louder*

  16. * Contiues to shriek.*

  17. *Says, Look in the middle drawer, it`s stuffy in here!*

  18. *Snickers harder*.

  19. *Thinks* He`ll never think to look in his sock drawer...

  20. *Vanishes with D-Exo*

  21. *Kicks D-Exo out of comments* Allo.

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