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Status Updates posted by Visionary

  1. Hey, you`re not the only person who likes Skillet.

  2. I live in Cincy.

  3. Yeah, well, ignore those people.

  4. Mattimeo is my fav.

  5. What`s your favorite Redwall Book?

  6. No, It`s more like Nothing There. =P

  7. NOW I have Brawl. It`s fun.

  8. Well, wonder no more! =P

  9. No, I don`t have Brawl, YET, and yes, CD3 is for Wii.

  10. Yup. `Nother name change. From Nocturn the German Titan, to... The Zero.

  11. I like your Avvie.

    Like mine?


  12. Hey, I`m nocturnsly on MLN, except my friend request and I`ll help ya`.

  13. Good luck getting to 10,000 posts.

  14. Nice new name.


  15. I like your Tonaku MOC.

  16. Yes I`m right behind you. See?

  17. Allo. I see you like Hawk Nelson. You know, they`re playing at LandMark church on the 29.

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