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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. Sadly no, too expensive, but I did hear about that new Metal Gear Solid game.

  2. Hey do you want to play online, because if so I can give you my friend code.

  3. So, you got any favorite rock songs to play?

  4. Well, you guys can still play other band songs for like practice and stuff, right?

  5. I've got plenty of pics to put up each day. And Solar is good, call me whatever you want.

  6. Do you have a good internet connection?

  7. Yeah, that sounds pretty cool, much better than other band names these days. Have you made any songs yet?

  8. Cool, so do you have a name for your band?

  9. Do you have Mario Kart Wii or Super Smash Bros. Brawl? Because we could play online.

  10. Nah, I've just started playing guitar, my older brother who's a bass player in his band has given me some starting tips, but I'm getting real lessons in a few days.

  11. Y'know, I've got a couple new games, I'm gonna get guitar lessons in a few days. Do you have a wii?

  12. So, do you have a band or something?

  13. Amazing how much crud they can fit in such tiny phones these days... But I do keep up with gaming news and the tech in that.

  14. Oh, well I guess my ignorance answers the question, but it sounds fun. Besides, the last new iphone I heard about turned out to be very fragile. What's this new one got to offer?

  15. I play guitar, and my guitar is a black American Stratocaster with a maple neck. So naturally, I just went with it.

  16. What the heck are you talking about? My username?

  17. So, you got summer vacation over there in the UK?

  18. Huh, interesting website, but I'm not that much in to technology.

  19. Gizmodo? What's that mean?

  20. What the guy before me said, welcome.

  21. Hello, and welcome to bzpower!

  22. Hey, start early, end early. It's worth it. Oh, and I'm probably going to change my username in the future sometime, so check my personal statement for more info.

  23. I started my vacation back on May 15th, because here in Bellevue, Nebraska we start school early.

  24. Enjoying my summer, playing Mario Kart Wii, Heading out to the pool and stuff.

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