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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. I thought you were leaving... guess not.

  2. Sweet, free popcorn! Me, I'll probably work at either my Mom's restaurant or at the AFBase Commissary. Probably at the commissary, I really don't want to work for my mom.

  3. Hey Arbiter! Happy Birthday! Oh, and check out my latest topic.

  4. Someone told me you were having some kind of vote between Linkin Park and RelientK?

  5. It works, sometimes.

  6. Thanks for the tip, I just downloaded MNOLG on my computer and it's pretty awesome. I used to play it when I was little and it first came out, but I was to little to make it through the game. Now I want to get all those matoran off of Ebay. Do you have it?

  7. I'm sure lots of people do. *looks at comment board*

  8. I have air ride too, but it's hard! I can barely even get the controls right!

  9. I'm a big fan of the classics, and I think that the remake of Kirby Super Star was just released(for ds) so I might get that. I also bought Vultraz last week and I bought Rockoh T3 yesterday.

  10. Sweet, I wonder how they really do get those effects, etc.? Get any new games or bionicles?

  11. I'm busy with homework too. It's pretty cra ppy.

  12. Um, nope. I'm trying to start a conversation here and there's nothing to talk about!

  13. I do? Well, that's because I reply to all friends who talk to me.

  14. Yeah, some days are crazy, some days are wierd, and some I just don't know what to say about it. But at least you're doing well. So, anything new?

  15. Ah well, nothing new here either.

  16. Some good things, quite a bit of cra p. High school has been really crazy lately....and not in the good way.

  17. Yeah, what you're not?

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