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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. Too late, my brother already ate it all(jk). Thanks man.

  2. Cool, also wish me a happy birthday, I just turned fourteen on wednesday.

  3. Thanks dude, means a lot, especially that you were the first friend I made on this site.

  4. It's pretty cool, hey man, wish me a happy birthday. I'm fourteen today!

  5. Wish me happy birthday man, I'm now fourteen.

  6. Awesome man, good for you!

  7. Maybe The World Ends with You, heard of it?

  8. Hey Arbiter, you there?

  9. Umm, it's been a few hours and the link you gave me still is loading. How about you e-mail it to me and I'll try it.

  10. Ooh, that's gotta suck. I've started high school, I've got a few friends, y'know. Any new games you gonna get?

  11. Hey legendary Arbiter, you enjoying high school?

  12. No, so anything new with you in the two weeks I've been offline?

  13. I heard about Megatron turning into a tank in the second movie on IGN. They said that in the second movie they have to bring megatron back to help beat the fallen.

  14. Y'know, any new tricks you're trying to learn? Any contests you've entered yet? Stuff like that.

  15. Yeah, I heard about him. I think in this movie they bring back Megatron, but he turns into a tank this time instead of a jet. And now Sam is going to college, I think that Jonah Hill(Superbad) is gonna be his roommate. What other characters are coming back?

  16. So, what's up with your personal photo?

  17. Oh yeah, did you hear anything on the new transformers movie?

  18. Hm, yeah I haven't gone to church in years...we tried going again once, but everybody was too busy to go on sundays. My mom had to go on a buisness trip in Korea for a couple of months, my dad was going on his own share of buisness trips, and my brother kept sleeping in til' noon. So, what are you up to with skateboarding?

  19. Kinda sucks, he was a pretty awesome comedian. So, anything new in the past couple of months you weren't on BZP?

  20. I heard that Bernie Mac died.

  21. Mostly RPGs, fighters, and party games(including Mario Party and Rock Band). Did you hear that Bernie Mac died?

  22. Oh, hey did you hear? Bernie Mac died the other day.

  23. Sweet, so what's up with you?

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