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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. Meh, ok. Got anything to talk about?

  2. hey, how are you doing MasterM?

  3. Thanks, the snake Kirby impression's pretty hilarious. Yours is pretty awesome too.

  4. Meh, you know me. I'm that kind of guy who sometimes needs some excitement. I've got a life, friends, used to have a 4.0 in school, just kinda boring.

  5. Oh well, today it snowed quarter sized flakes outside, me and my friend Pat ran outside of the middle school and screwed around until we got busted...

  6. Meh, I don't pay much attention to that stuff. Anything else you wanna talk about?

  7. What the heck is an itouch?!

  8. Heh, whatever. Anything new with you?

  9. alright, alright. I'm bored.

  10. why not? Is somebody else going to?

  11. Hey, you think I should change my username?

  12. Hey MasterM, are you having a good day?

  13. Me too, it's a pretty funny show. ... *trying to think of something to keep conversation going* Meh, the other day Tufi Piyufi warned me not to advertise other sites by linking to them through my profile, I just don't get why I'm being warned now after doing it ever since I joined.

  14. Well, there's 5 comment pages you'll never forget.

  15. Cool, I can't wait for the 3rd to come out, but it sucks that there's still one month left til' the release date.

  16. hey, do you play super smash bros.?

  17. Oh. I thought they just called them teeth and why am I talking about eating utensils? Whatever, nice personal photo by the way.

  18. Well, I actually am 13, but I'm in eighth grade and all my friends are older than me by one year, but whatever. And what the heck are threeks?

  19. So, you're like fifteen or something?

  20. Uhh, dude? It's been more than three freakin' days now, you got that ###### laptop yet?!

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