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Status Updates posted by Tronec

  1. Thanks for adding me. =)

  2. Thanks for helping FCG! I noticed a noticable post boost today.

  3. Thanks for that help with the decompiling. : )

  4. Thanks for the comment about my personal pic!

  5. Thanks for the positive rating, but I am most definitely 98 years old.

  6. Thanks, it's for my game "Bionicle Universe". Click my website for the topic.

  7. Thanks! If you have any suggestions for the next demo, please post in the topic. :)

  8. Thanks! If you have any suggestions for the next demo, please post in the topic. :)

  9. Thanks! It's from my RTS game Bionicle Universe. Copy and paste this link:


  10. That's a secret. =)

    But not hard to guess. O_o

  11. That's not so rare, but someone who's homeschooled with around the same birthday, that's just stuperific.

  12. That's what I DON'T get.

  13. That's what I thought. ;-)

  14. That's what it should be.

  15. The coolest FA...

  16. The emptiness... You should really post more often. :P

  17. The insurgent website is very nicely done. Congrats!

  18. The ninja emerges from the shadows...

  19. The Tolkster is premier!! OMG!

  20. The Tomorrow Knight is yesterday.

  21. Then just use collision_ellipse. And it won't make the AI any easier.

  22. Then why did you befriend me?

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