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Blog Comments posted by Toa_Hinuku

  1. Female villain will be in summer. (Yes, I won that argument :))


    As for the designers knowing who they are designing -- yes, because it was decided in late '06 that we would need to bring the Nuva back in 2008. At the same time, they were not told to prioritize making them recognizable to their 2002 forms, because the vast majority of the 2002 fanbase is long gone. Most of the current six million or so fans started in 2004 or 2005, and have no idea what the Nuva used to look like or any sentimental attachment to those forms.




    Congrats Greg! There is finally to be a female villan and I can start on my female vilan Moc. Thats sad how most of the fans dont know what the Toa nuva look like, My first bioncle/Lego was Lewa Olda and I was only 5 when I built him lol, my parents said I should be playing duplo but i said it was for babys. Bionicle was my first step into Lego bc I never touched a Lego like Castle,Harry potter, etc. until I was about 10 or 11 bc they never really got me into them like bionicle did.


    Hope the story for 2008-2009 is as good as it is looking Greg,


    Toa Hinuku Toa of Ice...


    P.S. Sorry about Double post, I replyed to two diffrent messages. :blush:

  2. Thanks for the post Greg it really helped me out, also I really liked how Kopaka and Lewa came out and cant wait till 2008! I really dont understand what you mean by, wont understand 2008 until you see the end of 2007, I have Ignition comic #10 infront of me right now and the ending is that They blow the cord up and the mask goes dull and Mata Nui deis. I figured that Matoro will accept that he is the Toa Ignika. This is only my theroy so please dont take it as a spoiler.


    Thanks yet again for the answers Greg,


    Toa Hinuku, Toa of Ice.



  3. Does this mean we will finally see a new era of boinicle? Or will we be seeing some sort of twist in the story? I have been so excited that I almsot forgot to ask if the pictures of bionicle 2008, Phatonka, and Krada Nui are real? They are under the 2008 section in Brickshelf. thanks for listening Greg, I am out!


    Posted by :t::m_o::a: :h::i::n::u::k::u:


    P.S. Yay Krakua is almost here!

  4. Not sure I agree with you, LK -- a lot of kids, especially younger ones, are more likely to read something that has a lot of colorful art in it. I got started reading because my Dad brought me Batman comics home when he bought his newspapers. That was really where my love of reading started and was my springboard to "real books."




    That was an awsome idea Greg! Once my bionicle comic colection is big enough I will do the same! I just got Ignitions 10 and it was so sad!:crying: Anyways I hope you are making awsome Bionicles for next year and please dont make them so big because I can play with my Metru toa and marhi mask:sly:


  5. Harry poter and The Order of the Transformers...


    Harry watch out! says Bumblebee, as he covers Harry from the glowing blast of Megatrons missles.


    Avada Kadabra! Harry screams as he aims for Voldamort, whom as planted on top of Megatrons right shoulder. His face made a grin as The spell headed towards him.


    Avada Kadabra. Wispered Voldamort as he duels Harry to a death match.


    The spells hold each other from their masters while Bumblebee and Megatron fight for their lifes.


    Give it up fool! You know you cant win this one! Megatron roared as he punched Bumbelbee in the stomach.


    Not untill your metal plate rusts! Bumblebee screamed as he fired missles at Megatrons metalic face, his aiim was persice and well planed.


    Megatron fell back, his face was half melted. His wires began to push themself to the limit as he began to feel range flow like oil into his body.


    You fool! He screamed as he pushed Bumblebee into the two death spells that the wizards where still fighting with, The Metal made a loud wave noise at it hit the spells.


    Bumblebee! Harry screamed as he saw Bumblebee fall to the grownd with a deathly thud. His metal was crushed and blasted off, and his soul was deep in the shadows that took it.


    Voldamort soon interupted. Well, at least one is down. Or may I say..Two, His spell followed the end of his voice as he blasted Megatron to the oblivion he once came from, the sound of screams could be heard from a small distace.


    Harry stood still, his coat was full of dirt as he looked down onto it. His eyes where yellow now, yellow like the ones of a serpant.


    Avada Kadabra! He yelled at Voldamort as his eyes wideded, his glasses cracked in the amount of power that the released. The voices of his parents could be heard some wear in that scared land as the blow was given, Their voice was full of fear and joy at the same time.


    Nooo! Voldamort screamed as he tryed to hold of the spell, but even his best could not hold off the rage given spell. It fead off Harrys range and made it into his power, It glowed red like the blood tht flowed through his veins. Voldamort was nothing after it hit him, not even his ashed where found on the ground.


    It was over, Harry thought. But he could still feel his pressence inside of him, He was still alive. His eyes glowed as he walked home that night, and his scar aced as it twisted to form a perfect snake upon his forehead. his face became pale like snow itself and his voice became like the shadows themselfs. He was Voldamort, that was his plan all along. The world would never forget Him...

  6. Cap'n -- My last info is that sales have not improved that much. On the plus side, Scholastic has some new people working with us on marketing ideas for the book (including the Amazon blog I have started doing) so maybe those will help.


    I firmly believe a lot of the issue is awareness -- most BIONICLE fans simply have no idea there are books at all.




    Thats so cool! I cant wait to see bionicle of 2008! I was hoping that you would make a Great Kiril next year, but I still look forward to seeing 2008-2009. Also i was hoping for the Bahrag Twins in Toa form, from the matoran mythology. :smilebahrag2: :smilebahrag1: I hope that one day a Great Kiril will come out cuz I cant finish my my Toa Hinuku Icon lol. Well, best of luck with bionicle, hope there is alot more to come. (Love the sound of Krakua comming out! :D)


    :ruru: Posted by: Toa Hinuku, The Toa Of Ice! :huna:

  7. Wow 6000 word, thats alot :blink: I think your gonna need a vacation after that. I do some bionicle writing in my spare time about my Toa but I never did a 6000 word story so gl with that.


    P.S. Omg First time to Take to GregF :D AND I THINK MY HEARTS GONNAS STOP LOL! :wacko:



    :tohu: Posted By: Toa Hinuku, The Toa of Ice! :tohu:


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