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Tohunga Tahnok

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Blog Comments posted by Tohunga Tahnok

  1. Article 120- Aye. They seem useful, although slightly immoral, but they don't seem to be consistently evil. I change my vote for article 120 to Nay.


    Article 121- Aye.


    Article 122- Aye.


    Article 123- Aye.


    Auserv- While a Toa might not always choose to wear a Keemaru, there are still other species that would use the mask, and it also depends on te users' state of mind/outlook of the power. Thus said, if a Toa wanted to, he/she probably would.


    Ballom- While there are other masks that can produce similar effects on a target, there currently is no mask that can erase memories and implant new ones. To achieve the effect this Mask does, you would have to be wearing all the masks you listed, and use them at the same time.


    --V-- - Actually, the mask makes a being commit actions against his/her will, but they only realise it was against thier will untill they have finished commiting the action. While they were doing so, they would believe that they wanted to do the actions. So, he mask wears off after the memories have been erased.


    Article 124- Undecided. The idea is preety cool, but it seems overpowered.Aye.


    Article 125- Aye.


    Ballom- In a fight, if soeone punches me in the chest, there is a very high chance ahat I will be knocked down, thus setting my opponent up for a killing blow. If I am knocked prone to the ground during an earthquake, I will be much more threatened by any falling debris. So, there are many instances where keeping your balance can save your life.


    Article 126- Nay. The Kanohi Ignika can achieve all the stated effects, but in a much more widespread zone.


    Now, if it was like the Ignika in that it can't be touched by just anybody, then I might change my mind.




  2. Article 113- Aye. The Xians are extremely greedy when it comes to weapon deals, so it makes sense that they'd get preety annoyed with the inhabitants of La-Nui.


    Article 114- Aye.


    Article 115- Aye.


    Article 116- Since I don't know much about the Gardiak at this point, I'm going to remain undecided. Aye. Seems alright with me.


    Article 117- Aye, although there seems to be an incrasing number of vularities in the C.I.R.C.L.E Universe.


    Article 118- Aye


    Article 119- Aye(obviously).


    While the Makuta are capable of Telepathy, contacting each other by this means would be strenuous for the Makuta who are communicating, which means that another way of relaying information would have been needed to ensure universal contact.




  3. Ok here is the voting so far since ive got nothing to do and im pretty bored :)


    Toa Tentra-2




    Turaga Sāh Ferohn-7

    Mordoch-8 and a 1/2


    Vitai-3 and a 1/2

    Ulopir-1 and a 1/2

    Jetrif-2 and a 1/2


    Paradax-1 and a 1/2

    If its inacurate tell me or if new votes come in, ill fix it.


    Toa Zahaku



    Wow, this is garnering quite a bit of interest.


    *hopes this isn't against the rules*






  4. I think this clears a lot more up than what Greg answered.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Well, for one, it answers why the Av-Matoran are needed; Karda Nui must be the "generator that poweres Mata Nuis' systems/keeps the universe alive. If the Av-Matoran were killed, than Karda nui wouldn't be making energy, and the "Bad thing" would be that Mata Nui goes comatose and shuts down, except he's still alive, right?


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    This also explains why the Matoran would die if Mata Nui died. If they're inside jim, when he dies, he basically rusts, or rots, or whatever away, and the same thing happenes to the universe.


    AWESOME! Good work, Greg!

  5. You and your writing kick up very many good moral points, Greg. I have to say, it really does please me to see that connections can be made back and forth. It's a thin line, and I don't want to say anything that sparks any political debates on BZP, but I do want to say that your views that you've provided give much room for mature and (now) politically active members to have a very good basis for thinking. I mean, you can't base everything in the Bionicle world on something back in the real world, but it is very helpful to be able to make a deeper connection sometimes.






  6. Just finished writing DM 7, in which you will meet the other members of Lesovikk's resistance group, travel to the Throne of Stone, and get prepared for the slam-bang finish in parts 8 and 9.


    Next up is FOF 8, as the team has to go forward but can't go back ... and in MC 8, more on the mystery of the Lohrak and the raid on Artakha.


    Now back to opening up contest entries ...


    Awesome. I bet that Norik is in the team. :)


    Thanks for the info Greg. ^_^


    Accually, Norik has his own team, with Gaaki, Iruni, Pouks, Kualus, and Bomonga. But, I bet we'll see Nikila.


  7. I have a dachshund :P Brown, short, LOOOOOONG.


    Hey! I have a dachshund, too! Well, she's really part dachshund, part baset(sp?) hound. Her name is Brandy and she is tri-colored: White, black, and brown. Brandy is extremely cute and has lot's of energy. Just yesterday, she found a skunk and got sprayed! My brothers had to wash her.


    I have three cats as well. Their names are Mufasa, Annavanna, and Princess/Sylvester and all three are outdoor cats. Mufasa is the only male cat and he is fat. He's a good mouser and he is friendly, too. Annavanna is female and has the same colors as Brandy. She's friendly, too. Princess is a black and white cat and her mother is Annavanna. Her real name is Sylvester, though we call her Princess(At least my Mom does) and she is our smallest cat.


    And we have a goose name Mrs. Friendly. She hangs out around the back door and in the morning we find her droppings out on the sidewalk. We used to have a pond full of water and alot of ducks and geese. But, as you can imagine, living in the country, they all either got eaten or flew away and the pond dried up, so she now hangs out here. She is mostly white with grey on some spots.


    They all get together fairly well, since Brandy is so small, she can walk up to the cats faces and lick them, just to annoy them. But we're a big, happy, family and that's what counts.




    My cat, dotty, is really fat, too.



    Wow. Now, I'm not sure about you, but in Maryland(home of the crabcake), I don't really see many ducks. By the way, it's good to see you're happy w/ your family and pets. :D


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