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Status Updates posted by Grantaire

  1. could be. Maybe that's why he hasn't been banned yet.. But I doubt it.

  2. Oh. Stupid comic books. *Reads IBD's interest panel* I'll. Be. Going. Now. Bye!

    I think In Darkest night SOUNDS better :P

  3. Quick! The Seneca are out to both destroy us and take over Artwork III, and the library forum! They must be stopped!

  4. Which is why I telekinetically moved them to a bomb proof vault in Mirtis castle.


    The attack of the clones is about to begin (Pun intended) :P

  5. I finally figured out how you indented the paragraphs in Glitch in the system... I hope you don't mind me using that method?

  6. Maybe... But I'm gonna be something else in a week or two... And I convinced him to choose that user name....

  7. You do know that calling me old makes my dinosaur herd mad, right? =P

  8. Sorry. But when someone makes a point on that subject, while in fact being totally intolerant of other people's stands, I tend to dismiss them as hypocrites, and their arguments as hypocritical.

    No, I am not defending TN05. Yes, I am talking about what Tilius responded to him.

    Frankly, if someone ignores someone else's opinion, calls them stupid, and tells them they're immatu

  9. ......

    The names Matatu. Read my rules will ya? It's a joke on the fact that I (Used) to have a Ignika shaped Matatu. And in case your wondering, my metal fatiguer snakes are burrowing right under you now. Prepare to get your clone out of the closet :P

  10. In person maybe. In power? Her house is already surrounded by my panthers. Now.. How to get on her bad side?

  11. I saw your name on the recent visitors thing on someone's profile, and I saw 'Zarayna'. :P

    (Belated welcome to BZP btw)

  12. I saw SOMEONE in the member spotlight today, RRR 17. :P

  13. -re and need to grow up i lose pretty much every bit of respect I had for that person.

  14. *Steals If's popcorn* I have Akaky whipped. He is no match for me in technology! Oh and who currently has the title of prankster monarch? Is it you or Aky?

  15. ELOS, get 10 posts so you can use the PM system.

  16. Welcome To BZPower!

  17. Great. Thanks for the warning. The blog has been teleported to the Shell. It's safe now.

  18. In short, a prank me and Adders pulled on Mango.

  19. Also, rule update already, you! >=(

  20. Hi welcome to BZPower!

  21. Would you mind if I sent my kitty at your gerbils? :P

  22. It's nice to RP with you!

    *Rektu levels blaster at Vorik*

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