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Status Updates posted by Grantaire

  1. Nah, that war's long over. How about you side with Akaku, Kini and me against the Infernal Firesword (:P)

  2. *Bomb bounces off telekinetic shield and flies into your profile*

  3. Do that 798 times more and I'll run out of clones :P

    *Toss's grenade into profile then disappears*

  4. See what procrastination does? I finally posted in your bro's RPG just now :P

  5. Interests: It's interesting to see that you value Bionicle more then eating, drinking, and sleeping :P

  6. Ugh. There are times I think that your quote boxes are placed there to give unlucky members a high chance of dying from an overdose of humor <_< How unhealthy!

  7. I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist :P

  8. Pst! In case you haven't noticed, Zarayna is asking you, and the Matoran sniper he's standing on 'what is going on?'

  9. Ohlook! it's a Neelhy!

    *runs off*

  10. It's gonna be a profile in most RPGs I play in :P

    *Groan* now to try to make heads or tails out of that BZPRPG <_<

  11. Time to make sure you no longer can dance! *fingers katana* How dare you! :P

  12. That's true, as I simply copied and pasted, changing the name and bio :P

  13. I was actually editing my profile post on page one :P

  14. *Gasps*

    The Great Lady K visited my profile!



  15. Oh trust me. Same island. names are different, but I've read H&H enough to recognize them instantly. (Dragon's watchtower, and more which I can't remember the names of.)

    It sounded good in itself. Except it was CoF all over :P

  16. I didn't know you wrote an RPG.... I was reading some older RPGs in the planning topic when I came across yours.

    It's a mix of H&H and CoF, isn't it?

    I bet I know the name of the island. Rohaya :P

  17. Do you have AIM? Or is that just a joke?

  18. Yeah.... I miss it :(

    I get that too. That's why all my epics just... Collapse. I much prefer SS. Much easier. I am planning an epic of my own at the moment. Hopefully it won't collapse.

  19. Hey, you're into Infernal's works? Nice.

  20. Yeah..... Never played the BZPRPG myself. Far too confusing. I was in early days in its early days (:P) but got sick of it and quit. And don't even dare mention Elementum Nui. It was so confusing. Even when compared to the BZPRPG.

    Darkspace is fun. I was only in a space battle for about three IC posts :P Then I joined the New Legion. And life was never the same.

  21. You're welcome.

    Hey, just realized you're Christian too!

    What RPGs do you play? Haven't seen you in any...

  22. I decided that those would only cause extreme. And I forgot to edit the numbers :P

  23. and how to kill mockingbirds. I got a good book on it.


    We must all agree this a truly awesome quote.

  24. It was a freak picture. Which is why I chose it :P

  25. Dang! Whenever I see your name, all I can think of is the sound of madness by Shinedown :P

    Haven't seen you since CoS bit the dirt. What's up?

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