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Status Updates posted by Grantaire

  1. Oh, and just wondering. In ED, is Moonlight hiring any more mercenaries?

  2. Oh, btw. I'm already plotting revenge for you calling me Zarry.

  3. Oh? And just how did I make a sentient system that has the power of all the elements? I'd say that is enough to prove your statement wrong :P

  4. Oh. Stupid comic books. *Reads IBD's interest panel* I'll. Be. Going. Now. Bye!

    I think In Darkest night SOUNDS better :P

  5. Ohlook! it's a Neelhy!

    *runs off*

  6. Ohwait. is that......


  7. ok just give me the link

    Ps. welcome to BZpower :D

  8. Ok then..... In case your wondering why your leg is hanging in a tree..... Well.... I'm still Saying that I wear a Ignika not a Matatu!

  9. Ok when the folder becomes public I'll check it out

  10. Ok, I destroyed all KNI's assets, turned his arms and legs into rust, and told him that I'm done RPing. :P

  11. Ok, That prank didn't work out like I wanted it to. Why do you have to fall into a trap I set up for If??


    Oh and you've just finished eating a cake made completely out Jalapeno peppers....

  12. okay thanks i will then

    For starters, how about a hundred dollars?


  13. Only if you cover postage. Shipping and handling should come to about ten million USD.

  14. OOC: Ah. But just how WOULD you. my guardians could still be machines or they could be... Something, else. But how did I create them? How did I give them their power? Oh and btw, I utterly despise modern weaponry. Hate it. Always have. tHat is why my 'technology' is utterly different.

    IC: Time sped up Akaku's aging process. in moments he was too rusted and aged to move witho

  15. OOC: Unfortunately as I KILLED all your soldiers you have no one to kill.

    IC: The fiendish personal technology of Akaku flew at my House. *Codrax style deflector shields deflect all weaponry* And now for the first test of my latest creation. I present to you. TOD! Tod the invisible guardian cuts loose with Makuta and Kanohi power! Akaku's clone is utterly destroyed. Bob the

  16. ooookay.... I know that 'Ferna will destroy them somehow. That's what backup plans are for :P

  17. oops... Heh heh..... I at least deactivated the traps in your keep. You can thank me for that :P

  18. Open-mindedness: "My opinion is total fact, anyone who does not hold said opinion is a close minded, immature, racist bigot."

    Yeah, that type.

  19. Or can I? *Draws Katana and takes up fighting pose* Bring it on!

  20. Or the one panel one with you getting revenge on 'Fanra

  21. Please dun kill me for forgetting to mention Walking her Home!!!!!

  22. probably....

    So it looks like the Foireann and the Seneca's leaders both have the same title. :P

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