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Status Updates posted by Grantaire

  1. *Insert lame joke about you being over a year older then me here* :P

  2. So? Love the team, hate the member! To misquote that phrase. :P

    Hmmm, I don't know... After all, you did insist on misspelling our name, you attacked my fearless leader... And if you could give me a few hours, I could think up a million more reasons. :P

  3. I beat you to it though :P

  4. that's... An odd sense of humor :P

  5. That was not intentional! I. Will. Be. Running. Away. Now. Bye!

  6. Excuse me while I diel the HF hotline :P

  7. New year? Bah! Humbug!

  8. oh trust me, it isn't.

    Hey, I like the name Zarayna, and I honestly don't care. Although, what's funny is what your name becomes if you add two 'i' in stead of one. :P

    And if you think that because of the duel in ferna's blog is the reason I have a bounty placed on your head, there are a few others. :P

    Also, the auxiliary member known as KNI is to be severely

  9. And that was what I posted on her profile BTW :P

  10. Tsk tsk Inferna. You're far to overconfident. Tell me, how will you defeat them? They carved their way through an dragon army with barely any losses. I should know. I cloned them, and I trained them. They're far deadlier then any other army I've created.

    Oh, and Toa Dovydas is after you as well.

    And all because you knocked the door off his birthday topic. (Okay. The ovah nine

  11. (Part two)

    reprimanded for his treasonous acts.

  12. What's this about an urn?

  13. I can haz Ena post?

  14. *Insert me making the call*

  15. thousand widgets I'm offering for your capture might have something to do with it...)

  16. Moderately decent?? They just HAPPEN to have enough power to destroy the entire us army(And then some.) And are impossible to shut down. hm. I wonder what pranks I can pull using life and time.....

  17. Oh, and Inferna. I urge you to rethink rule 81 before you lose every cent you possess.

    I mean, there just HAPPEN to be about ten thousand Zarayna's.

    And if I am captured, the might of Mangai, Dovydas, and all other Foireann's armies will wipe you away. >=D

  18. Just a random question. How many years will it be before you post another SS? :P

  19. Hi, and welcome to BZPower! :)

  20. uh. You don't need to download anything in order to use AIM. I never have.....

    And Skype is the only other way I could chat with you besides AIM.

  21. *Flees* If humans had won I would have liked it! The natives are so lame and stereotyped! *Dodges sword* Gotta run! :P

  22. Uh, Inferna? What is the punishment for breaking one of your rules?

  23. and how to kill mockingbirds. I got a good book on it.


    We must all agree this a truly awesome quote.

  24. *guiltily steps away from 'favorite BZP authors' topic*


  25. I agree there.. I see a lot of those rules(slightly changed) here. But 72??? I almost died laughing

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