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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. Congrats Zed, you deserved it. :)

  2. Haha, wow. :P


  3. you got a new blog approval . . . so when will you get a banner/av/PP?

  4. Velox

    NO WAI! it's Kopakalaka! i would of never guessed!


  5. See, that's why you should have just kept it Kakaru -- then they'd all know you as Kakaru. =P

    Good to see you active again.


  6. Velox

    Hey are you entering BBC54?


  7. Aren't you K~T from -that one- forum site?

  8. why were you banned? email me at: TheLostToa@pnguyen.net

  9. nice personal pic :P you know.. you kinda remind me of a younger person of kex.. :P

  10. Since this was all I was really going to say I didn't want to post: Yes, I meant the sand green :P

  11. Nope; BZPower Member Chrome made it [as well as my banner and blog graphics]: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showuser=53460


  12. did you get my message?

  13. everyone is normal Bfaome ;) =P

  14. No it didn't . . . I have over 800 messages and can only fit 200 messages since my PMship ran out. I just renewed it, so I just have to wait for Dimensioner to activate it.

  15. the Blog contest one or the "Chronicles of Velox" ? the blog contest one, the first chapter is done, but i need to edit it and probably lengthen it.. the Chronicles is done, i just need a name for a character.. don't worry, it'll be done soon.. did you check out "The Battle" ?

  16. How is ~Shadow Kurahk~ cheesy?

  17. Is it just me, or did you just get another proto increase?

  18. And now you're a GIJOE? Joy.....

  19. Merry Christmas!

  20. Oh hey, ToM, how many of your MOCs do you keep together at a time?

  21. What happened to your blog? O.o


  22. *sigh* the life of a highschooler . . . :P

  23. Good luck, dude!


  24. No, they went through. Sorry, you probably sent them at a time when I was too busy to reply at that moment, and then I just forgot -- with the exception of this past week, the last couple months have been pretty busy for me and I haven't been doing much stuff BZP-wise. I'll try to reply to your PM soon. -TV

  25. Thanks for the review, Lady K. ^^


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