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Status Updates posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. I finally got to play Mann Vs. Machine; took me a couple minutes to realize it was an EqD server, lol.

  2. I hate when I don't realize that people have commented because the notifications telling me get buried.

  3. I hate when I don't realize that people have commented because the notifications telling me get buried.

  4. I haven't done anything there yet.

    I'll add that later.

  5. I just realized Nukaya is Awesome is Eyru and not Nukaya...

  6. I like how so many people I know are bronies.

  7. I need exactly 17 more posts in COT...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      What's so special about thirteen thirty-seven?

    3. ~Allegretto~


      Look up leet; we're kinda not allowed to talk about it here.

    4. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Ah. I have been educated.

  8. I owned Grunts.


  9. I really like her... mane?

  10. I started organizing my pony music 2 and a half hours ago... and I'm still not done.

    1. Bambi


      How much do you have?

    2. ~Allegretto~


      330, approximately. Finding album covers for like all of them is annoying, especially when your computer barely runs Gimp.

  11. I tried to stop them, but it didn't work.

  12. I've played Metroid before. It's okay; not something I really would play a lot, though.

    AvP I haven't played.

  13. Just maybe. :P

    But I've got ODST, so I should be good.

  14. K. I only have silver for now, though, until my dad finds a sale on XBL cards.

  15. LOL

    In my defense, though, you asked for it. Literally.

  16. Lolno

    I just haven't been on lately because I've had tons of homework.

  17. Looks like Murphy's law only applies to you, then. :P

  18. Maybe they have...

  19. Most likely.

    Do you have the old chapters saved? We could use them; "Levy" and Mesonak are freaking out.

  20. My av's from ODST. And thanks. :D

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