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Phauxx Lightning

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Status Updates posted by Phauxx Lightning

  1. Sorry, I don't pay attention in English. (:P) What do you mean by versatile?

  2. Momotaro, I sent you a couple PM's.

    Didn't you get them?

  3. What's the countdown for? Name change? What?!?

  4. 4 stars to a P'ownage fan!

  5. Thanks!

    I didn't notice it myself. :P

  6. Mat the popcorn be with you you, dog.


  7. Your Personal Photo is WIN LOL

  8. OMG

    Velox is almost caught up to you. :o


  9. Your Welcome!

    Also, Welcome to BZPower!

  10. Shark, clear your inbow, because no one can send you a PM.

    Oh, and, "Jokan" is that character you were wondering about.

  11. Welcome to BZPower!

  12. It's a tragedy, I know.


  13. The 82nd Snoop's gonna be MAD!

  14. Welcome to BZPower!

    Enjoy your stay!

  15. Welcome to Bzpower!

    If you need help with anything feel free to ask me or any other member. You'll be glad you came. =)

  16. Where did you get that awesome Dark Knight Banner?

  17. Your'e an amazing authour. =)

  18. I'm glad you're a staff!

  19. Now I'm riding a horse. Backwards.........Hyah!!

  20. Guess what? I changed my name. BIG change huh? =P

  21. I have to be honest with you, I'm not a big fan of the new Av. Ilike the old one better. =)

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