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Status Updates posted by Andrewnuva199

  1. So is this my comment system now?

  2. You got th wrong Gordan. This scientist ghere have discovered new radoactive isatope but it is so vollatile that it does not have a half-life but quarter-life so he must observe with hasty.

  3. You still coming back to the DARPG? You need help understanding what the heck is going on and where your characters are?

    Also, I see you have me added as a friend. Guess I should return the favor

  4. Your banner wins awesomeness points.

  5. Bit by the Tron bug too, eh? (could it've been a Bit? :P)

  6. Nah, I'm not that big of a fan of Pharoah's Quest to spend 90 days with the name of one of the characters.

  7. Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?

  8. *wins points for Portal 2 av/sig theme*

  9. Oh man, I am so tempted now to account cosplay as one character or another.

    Also: Adrenaline shot here!

  10. To: imperial offcier

    Player Character: David

    Dear Sir/Madame, we miss you banther, humor, and ability to kick a Mutant Lizard's butt here at the Dino Attack RPG. Please get well from your PeabodySam Disease Soon.

    -The Dino Attack RPG players

  11. Hey there. We're starting to miss ya down in the Dino Attack RPG. Anything going on?

  12. Great. Every time I see pictures of those statues I start resisting my blinks until I scroll away.

  13. Ahh, Portal Fever. Gottal love it. :P

  14. If the current belief about your recent topic is true, Id be interested in what techiques were used in faking those images.

    But if you actually are being truthful, more information would be helpful.

  15. Whew! That was a bit of a scare. (Wipes forehead)

  16. What happened to the Redemption project you were working on last year?

  17. Two comments? 0_0

    Anyways, first, you lose proto through early membership spamming, and second, I don't desire friends.

  18. Have you quit the Lego Island movie? The revamp of your sign worries me.

  19. In case you didn't know, PeabodySam, Tacku Nuva's back. Check his account.

  20. Uh, are you aware of the topic revival rule? I've seen you revive at least 5 topics.

  21. How long will Toa V's legacy last?

  22. Just asking, have you abonanded the movie? Oh, and your movie topic got revived.

  23. Nice way to close Chaos in the Deep. Anticlimatic, but that's the point, I guess. :P

  24. Multiple members in the worst experence topic don't believe your experences. I believe you, though.

  25. Uh SPRIT? Wasn't the CitD topics dead? Or did I miss a rule?

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