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Status Updates posted by Leynok

  1. Looks nice. I used to think S&T stood for Stock and Transactions. =P

  2. What's up with the Avatar?

  3. You sprite isn't bad at all.

  4. Nice Ussal there..

  5. Hello. Need help with anything?

  6. But you can't see it on the left unless it is something other than black... What color then?

  7. I'm not that suprised. Why was it canceled?

  8. Why exactly did you join the staff?

  9. I like those Matoran you made. Very nice.

  10. Can I hang out with you?

  11. Can ya tell me what my banner is lacking? Perhaps add a spiffy effect? :)

  12. I just noticed that you have 4444 posts.

  13. Why? And I'm sorry I never replied to the audition message. I don't have any recording devices.

  14. Gold, Platinum, and Silver versions of Binky World Extreme I, II, and III, in 4D!

  15. I have problems with procrastination too, only probably more severe. Any tips?

  16. Although, anything not made for a game is not a sprite. Ignore that.

  17. Could you show me what you consider to be your best sprite?

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