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Everything posted by Leynok

  1. Although, anything not made for a game is not a sprite. Ignore that.

  2. Could you show me what you consider to be your best sprite?

  3. The way those three shades are wasted on the mask...

  4. I see. So, when are you going to change your avatar back to that awesome one?

  5. Jordboy1 - Well, there's probably a better chance of you dying from lava than from an inability to disco.

  6. Since when were we talking about interests?

  7. If you want to make the list simple, just put 'Spam' and 'Non-Spam' for the two categories. =D

  8. Thing is, it's a piece of cake to fill up your interests. Cake isn't bad, it's just a bit of fluff.

  9. But if we aren't talking about content, then I have the most. I used up the limit all the way to 50,000.

  10. Hello, but did you know that I have more characters in my Interests than you do?

  11. InfraRed - Who are you talking to?

  12. But supposedly, Turakii, the Ta-Matoran, is male. But this person on this site is female and her name is "Turakii." Why would you name yourself after a male?

  13. By the way, are you a staff member? I know you're not, you just seem like one, except you need to bold your text.

  14. Here, have a bit of blue.

  15. Well, at least I tried to give you some pink.

  16. Here's some blue for your comment box.

  17. For your banners, I would suggest adding some flashy effects and one of those glass effects. Maybe some text too.

  18. Nice avatar! =)

  19. What is this big red cross you speak of?

  20. Thanks for telling me nothing. =P

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