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Blog Comments posted by romansoldierdude

  1. I don't know...2010 doesn't look as good as last year...it's not like Death to Analog is coming out early this year or anything.




    I wish I had the guts to actually consider a career in something I find very interesting. I mean, I would LIKE to write graphic novels and stories as a profession, but I don't think I have it in me. At least you do; that's pretty cool.

  2. Gah, I hate days like that. Where so much [expletive] happens...like how I can't find a month's worth of classwork for math.


    Well, I hope you cobble it all together better than I do. Which I'm certain you can. Good luck!


    Also, maybe Death to Analog would help. Or maybe I'm just adding stress.

  3. I blame you for the cold. Even though I have no idea what you're talking about. I think the cold is from you not having Death to Analog.


    I remember when my Pre-Calc grades were slipping. That was because I got a 12 out of 50 on a test. So I started the quarter with an N, and raised it to a B. This is how school works for me.

  4. ^This is what gets me yelled at.


    Every time I've had to write a paper for English, my parents complain that it took me way too long, and for my Biography assignment, my dad predicted I'd get a B or lower. I got an A. My English teacher said she loved the drawings I did for my timeline, and they had been done quickly the period before. What the heck.

  5. Being an author or graphic novel artist (if I ever stop sucking at drawing) are the only jobs that sound appealing to me. I worry that I'll suck at them, but really, I'm not sure there's anything else.


    With that thought, I REALLY need to write more. I have plenty of story ideas, but I never get around to writing them.

  6. New tagline: Death to Anablog.


    It's what I named my blog I had to make for English class.


    That doesn't mean you have no work ethic. Just the same work ethic we all have; very lacking.


    For example, I SHOULD be working on my major Biography project due this Wednsday, BUT WHO'S GUNNA MAKE MEH?!



  7. *jealous of tablet*


    You know what you need more than you need a life? You know what I HAVE more than I have a life? DEATH TO ANALOGGG


    Ohes noes 0:


    What would you do if I actually bought Death to Analog? Or would the world just...end?



    I would be very happy that I could street team the heck out of someone online to make them buy it. :D And then I'd pester you to buy it in Vinyl. :P

  8. I would always draw what I THOUGHT was a really good face, and then draw the body too big or too small and have to draw the head again.


    And I don't practice usually because whenever I try it just looks awful. I can't stand to work with that. I miss when I was little and thought my faildrawings were legitimate, so that I had the confidence to keep trying...ugh.

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