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Everything posted by romansoldierdude

  1. romansoldierdude

    Oh Yeah

    Sorry for being one of the many to not group hug... *is sorry*
  2. I might try to fail at coloring it! YO HO! With permission, of course. My colorin' skills are being awesome. So...permission??? It'll only take an hour at most...
  3. I dunno man. Blog board games=blog RPGs. What the heck. *rolls and gets out of jail* Yes, I always start in jail. It sucketh.
  4. It's not the sword that's the problem, it's the hand. *Tarix helps Vezon shoot Ara* BlarghIhatethehands Seriously, I want old sockets. I think there should be a forum for reviews complaints.
  5. GAH NO ONE MORE PERSON OLDER THAN ME! Um, yeah. Good job. Happeh Birthday. *replaces annoying sword with gun*
  6. Oh, kay, I'll read it sumtime. I hope that doesn't turn out like how I said I'd read those other serials...
  7. You were wondering where you could find Cryoshell songs...well...


  8. Is dat like an epic or something?
  10. They sucketh because the freaking blade keeps getting in the way.
  11. I will, when I have time. I find that a lot of the best bands are the ones that can't be classified (unless they started the genre that describes them).

  12. Okay, NOW you do. Don't know why, but it used to say you didn't.

  13. I was just trying to give constructive criticism. I expect no less of others. Otherwise, I could just say "OMG IT AWESOME AI WONNA STEEL!"
  14. I have a band you've probably never heard, in a genre you've probably never heard. Try looking up Orgy. They have their own combination of snyth and rock, and the guitars are really cool. If you're interested, their best songs are probably Fiction (dreams in digital), Blue Monday, and...Dissention.

  15. Don't like the font much...cool effect though. Could use some more background than just a gradient, I spose.
  16. I wanted Fero. I could've gotten Malum or Skrall, but my parents were like "NO!!! YOU HAS TOO MANY ALREADY!!"
  17. romansoldierdude


    Eh, didn't bother cuz I usually post in your other entries and I swear I did on you dA "Back!!!" one.
  18. Nope, because you don't have your birthday set. ;)

  19. That's why it's so relevant.
  20. I've been thinking the same thing since first grade. My teacher honestly thinks she can get a good sample of our writing style and skill from stupid constraining projects. SHE CAN NOT. And she just gave a mystery assignment, and we were all like "YES, FINALLY SOMETHING CREATIVE" but it could only be four pages double spaced. Although, I hate designing labs in science. Too much dang work.
  21. IF THIS DISTURBS YOU THEN WALK AWA-AA-AAY Yeah, that is the awesome.
  22. bo-dangit...I'l never make it to half that... Er...what is that rank image supposed to be anyway?
  23. That sucketh. Once when I got a cold, it felt like I couldn't breathe. My nose was stuffed and whenever I exhaled I had a painful cough. Right now I have a relatively latent cold, my throat has a pain, but it's not too bad. I've always had to go to school anyway, I can only skip if I have a fever or something really bad, or I throw up. EDIT: Oh, great. I caught it. My virus protection doesn't protect THAT, you stupid computer!
  24. Hey, bo-dangit is nice. Fine, just hi then.
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