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Everything posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Maybe he chose to send a different kind of ice cream. All I know is, he was asking people if he could send them his homemade banana ice cream. Now it seems like Adventurer is a kind of person like Calvin (from C&Hobbes) with no parents to restrain him. Calvin puts cake in his pocket to give to his mom, Adventurer sends ice cream in the mail to give it to you!
  2. I'll do an av anyway, and two half sized banners.

  3. Adventurer actually sent you the banana ice cream? Oh gosh...maybe I should retract my statement saying I would try it...
  4. Omigosh, YES. THIS IS AWESOME. And you know he's that beastly.
  5. I don't remember the name. I just remember it started with a "Z" and had a "Y" and had 0 proto. :P

  6. If you want me to make you Mr. Freeze, I can do it for you. :D

  7. Two days ago when i photoshopped the pictures to make the av/banners.

  8. romansoldierdude


    YAY you. Shoveling me. I got snow like three weeks ago. But snow is still awesome. But my mom hates it and wishes we didn't live in Minnesota. bo-dangit I just revealed my location. But for you, YAY SNOW!!!!
  9. What the-? Staff Member?

    At least this will keep me from confusing you from that one member with 0 proto. Your names are similar. o_0

  10. I'm my first priority for interviewin', but sure. Mayhaps. That is suddenly my favorite "word" of the week.
  11. I'll check them out. What are your favorite songs of theirs? It helps to know the good ones. If you're at all interested in Orgy, my favorite songs of theirs are Blue Monday, Fiction (Dreams in Digital), Saving Faces, and Eyes-Radio-Lines. Their first two albums were good, but the last one was awful.

  12. My favorite band used to be Julien-K, but it's going to be a while till they release their album, so I started listening to Orgy, of which the singer and guitarist of JK were guitarists in. It's cool, and trust me, it isn't gross or anything. The name comes from the collage of different styles. And the guitar is awesome.

  13. Hey, what kind of music do you listen to? Favorite bands? I'd tell you mine, but I'm not sure if the filter would kill it...

  14. You know that the comet thing is being disproved. Scientists now believe it was caused by hyper global warming from super-volcanoes and that the warmer ocean released toxins that killed most animals, and ruined the Ozone layer, killing more with UV radiation. I have to say, that theory is a lot cooler. So basically, if the Star Destroyer caused accelerated global warming, then we'd go extinct. Oh, and here's my approval. Raia Svit-Kona resized it for her blog, so don't go thinking I'm Dragonrider15 or whatevs.
  15. That kinda stuff happens to me also...
  16. TURNZ OUT IM YA BRUDDER! IT WAOR NOWZ!!!! How bout until decapitation with a NECRID-saber? Make a broadsword come out of your hands and slash im real fast with it!
  17. My twin bro's class is watching it. All I do in MY Advisory class is reflect light in people's eyes with my watch. It's so fun...man, that one kid's probably going to beat me up someday.
  18. Oh, he goes to my school. Not kidding. I was just like "uhwhattheheck?!?!" He used to be MercenaryXero. I'd like to see what this standard for "that" is. We all say it, but...what is this standard for "that much"? Eh, me neither.
  19. romansoldierdude


    So THAT'S what the "Team Jacob" thing is all about. Yeah, I agree. Edward is like, the boringest character ever, and Jakeman is WAY cooler. It's the kinda book that, when you read it, you can't stop, but in hindsight...it's a...resounding... MEH I was just annoyed that nothing really happened. And STILL fangirlies are still all "Oh, Edward is so hot!" It's like "Um...whattheheck? Why so...obsessed?"
  20. Exactly. But me and meh twin have kind of a mutual understanding of "I save you, you save me" from our parents' wrath. And we do each other's homework sometimes.
  21. I think he means ridiculous swords, like, you know, Cloud from FF wielding I stupidly ridiculous broadsword as if it weighs the same as a dagger.
  22. "Oh, don't ya just love those happyful hearty Christmas songs?" "NOT AT ALL" I've heard them all SO MANY times. GAH!
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