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Everything posted by romansoldierdude

  1. OMG YOU BROKE THE SPEED OF MATH!! Inside joke, y'alls. My answer, TtW, is be glad we don't have teleportation devices.
  2. At first I was all "OOH CAKE!! YUM YUM!!!" but then I was like "I get it." So yay. Serously, though, I can see why people are all like "OMG I HAVE TO DO ALL THESE THINGS I'D NEVER DO NORMALLY BEFORE I DIE," but really, I think the bucket list stuff is a bit stupid. I mean, you're going to go all over the place hoping for thrills, and end up unhappy with you got, and you'll die before you really enjoy what you had.
  3. Finals?! In like, the beginning of a quarter/the middle of a semester?! Eh, I've had finals since 7th grade, they're easy.
  4. OH EM GEE You can't see me I'm blending in just like a pine tree I am unseen, You can't see me cuz I'm a ninja, nin, ninja, ninja, nin, ninja. Oh, sorry, I blame nigahiga. But anyways, it's snowin here too!
  5. You had an All about me space?! I never even noticed! But I like how there's an entire section for the Nuva. I'm guessing your anti-Mistika-hater entries. Ah, well, there was one last time. But now dere are IMAGES!
  6. Gah, I know, those stupid guns they have DO NOT WORK. And I hate how the V-wing is a bomber, yet a JEDI STARSHIP is a dogfighter (what?!), and an Arc 170 is a fighter. The V-wing should be the dogfighter, and the ARC170 the bomber!
  7. Welcome to BZP, person I know from school! If you need help, ask! And if you ever got around to writing a Short Story, feel free to post a link in my Short Stories Critics Club, we review stories!

  8. Me, I just think the grey and especially the silver just look awesome, and they make the toa look like a team, yet at the same time, not clone sets.
  9. I have over 100% also. But I have C in math cuz I epic failed the first few tests.
  10. Well, what I meant is, Bfahome will have entries with titles like "PEACHES" and the content will be "HAHAHAHA" or something REALLEH wierd.
  11. Hey, welcome to BZP! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me! If you want any help, just ask!

  12. Y U LUUK ADN LEEV MIE TOPIC?!?! IT WUZ A CUUL mOc WITH MY KAT IN DA BAKGROWND! Oh, gosh, people hoo (gah, who, the above writing is rubbing off on me) say that kind of thing really don't get that if everyone looked and posted, the site would crash. Every minute.
  13. Awesome av, I have to say.

  14. Oh no i think something's wrong with me. Jaller Inika came to my mind first. Lol. For me it's Jallah Mawwi! YAYZ! Uh, yeah, then Tahu. I dunno, the old Tahu's kinda...old...and small...and I don't have the new one yet. But once again, I agree with every point made in the actual entry, not the comments space. It's a saw. That's what I first thought, and I'm right. Uh, actually, that's more like the Hau Nuva. Seriously. When I first saw the nuva, 'specialleh Tahu Nuva, I thought "whoa, like 200 years in the future! Awesome!" I don't think he looks aged with the new Hau. I think he just looks experienced. And awesome.
  15. A hoemshoolah! Get im! My parents make me go to bed at 9:00. I usually get up early in the morning or in the middle of the night to either do homework or go on the computer, as I am doing now, because my mom doesn't let me on. Ever.
  16. Our bus rolled down into the highway two years ago. It broke down on the top of the hill, shot down, and broke through the chain link fence and down into the highway.
  17. Trust me, they're all on the front pages. Haven't you seen that crazy place?!
  18. I will be updating Shard of Creation soon, BTW.

  20. AND THIS ENTRY WAS ABOUT WHAT AGAIN?! oh, Jetrax & friends. GET JETRAX. He awesome. You buy. You buy NAOUGHW! Seriously, though, you probably won't even want to wreck him.
  21. It's always fun to do that. "Ha ha, that guy's screwed. Whatever."
  22. Not really, Jinzo. But whatevs. Yay. Is this allowed though? I mean, giving support to the guy who won? The one I liked? A lot?
  23. Our server crashed RIGHT when we were going to vote... But I am happy with all of the above results.
  24. Ah HA! I caught you at 3333 posts! YES!

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