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Status Updates posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Funny. First Xander reviews my 3rd SS, and then I see you reading my 4th. What evs. And


    Heh heh...

  2. Oh! You is read it! YAY! So...uh...review when you feel llike it. And the chapters get better. But not longer.

  3. Read it! Read it NAOUGHW!!!!

  4. I read it. Now in return, read my epic.

  5. Um...Where's your jaller av?

  6. You ATE TAHU NUVA??? Oh, and...


  7. Yo ~Tamaru~! Let's make blogs!

  8. Awesome GregF emote, BTW.

  9. Do you have to explode everyone you know? Heck...I think I'll join in...

  10. Thanks for the inside joke, rock559, and for the comment from...someone who's a friend of ~Tamaru~

  11. Ugh...who made up the Nyrah huggable things?

    And...read my epic.

  12. Yup. It's fun to beat this guy down on his MP2 opinions.

  13. Hi Turakii's mom. I'd be surprised if my mom had an account, let alone approve of BZP or BIONICLE...

  14. My parents also make me save up money...honestly, I have like 500 dollars sitting around!

  15. I don't like it because it sucked, it was boring, and repetitive. And the multi-player sucked.

  16. Yo! You probably didn't know this, but the SSCC already handled your SS like days ago! So check it out! That's right. We're that efficient.

  17. My brother, who's WAAAY better at that game, says that Corruption is a GOOD thing. It gives you much more Phazon. You drag it out as long as possible without dying, firing occasionally and keeping it in check.

  18. Oh...I HATE that boss! I beat it, but turned it off and guess what. Forgot to save. So I had my brother beat it while I just sat there being angry.

  19. Wait. The Bryo seed? What was that? It's been awhile. Have you gotten to Elysia yet, or is this something after the Leviathan?

  20. Yup. New av. Same maj folder though. Don't remember who had the link to it...

  21. So have you finally beaten MP3 Corruption?

  22. Metroid Prime 3, rock559. I was wondering how on earth he hadn't beaten it yet.

  23. You can thank me for making your epic so dang popular! Without me no one would have even known it existed

    *wallows in deep black pool of no one reading my epic*

  24. I blame Dark Lord Zhalath.

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