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Status Updates posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Just like to tell you that I got approval to make the new Short Stories Critics Club.

  2. Eh! Another homestarrunner fan!

  3. Hey! High five! Both accused of stealing another member's idea!

  4. Um...weren't you going to read it a couple months ago?

  5. Well, ya might as well edit the chapter you already wrote. Speaking of epics, READ MINE DANGIT!

  6. Instead of that, I'll give you some anti-that guy protection. Trust me, you'll need it. I'd suggest you delete this and his comment

  7. And did you take up my offer of editing your epic chapters?

  8. I really don't think any real matoran that has squigglies on the sides of his name would like such a disgusting...thing

  9. ~Eranok~ was here?! He must have slipped by...I needed a word with that guy...no really though, I don't think you're the real ~Tamaru~

  10. I'm beginning to think that our nice little green friend has been replaced...only someone like Mutran would think Gorast is beautiful.

  11. *Says yes while screaming in agony, turns into the lockjaw, uses tripwire bombs on the Metroid, and shock coils it*

  12. GAAH! That nice little Le-Matoran kid had to go and get himself transformed into an ugly female Makuta...or so says his av

  13. Yeah, and ~Person who claims to be that cooler member~ is talking with either bad accents or an air of being unneducated.

  14. First, I'll have to sic one of those annoying Phazon Metroids on you! *Attempts to throw metroid, misses, and gets drained by same Metroid*

  15. Nevermind about the other image. That's allowed. Just size down the other one. If you need the sizes, I can PM them.

  16. Um...I'd really suggest sizing down that banner of yours and getting rid of the other image. It's WAY to big; a clear violation of the Signature Guidelines.

  17. Happy birfday. Unfortunately, the ponies have digivolved (blech, digimon) into transformers. Now our one rahkshi+bohrok army don't have a chance.

  18. Velcome to ze BZPower!

  19. oooooh...well... I uh...well...why didn't you already have it?

  20. GAAH! HOW HAVE YOU NOT FINISHED METROID PRIME 3 YET? GRAAH! Well, I suppose I never did. I just count watching my twin brother (yes, he exists) do it counts for me.

  21. Thanx fo' reviewin' my epic. And you're the only person who knew I was going for something Metroid-ish. But you were right.

  22. Thanks for the can-er I mean Dark Lord Zhalath protection.

  23. whoops wrong sister's profile

    *posts same comment in DX's profile*

  24. Thanks for the can-er I mean Dark Lord Zhalath protection.

  25. The person I'm trying to block is the fellow that commented before you...

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