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Status Updates posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Can you get me some anti-Dark Lord Zhalath protection? Because I think we all need that more than protection from you or Ka-Chan.

  2. Nice Phantoka poster thing.

  3. While rock559 brandishes board messages, I brandish BZP's explosive server.

    *Whacks over head with server for thinking that Tohu's better than Dume*

    Now all you'll ever think of is board messages! HA!

  4. Good job in thinking Dume is cooler than Tohu. He really is.

  5. Have fun in China. I went there last year, as I'm half Chinese. But there was internet in this one hotel, so that was fun.

    HA! No Premier, eh? You're like the rest of us now!

  6. Check out my personal pic. It's me. And did you get my PM 'bout my MOC?

  7. Yeah, well, I actually ate a Tridax sucker. Check out rock559's topics and you'll find it. It's hilarious. And light-draingingly tasty!

  8. Welcome to BZPland, a place where everyone but me gets recognized when they join! YAY! And check out my MOC, Konara. I THINK he's on the first page on the BBC forum.

  9. That is one awesome Rahkshi! But I'm still mad at you for changing your name. But good job on being Asian. I'm actually Chinese.

  10. Adding YOU as a friend!

  11. I've been commanded by Ttw to do this.

    *sics romansoldierdude stick figures on Adventurer*

  12. I noticed you viewed my profile. You phazoned it! I blame your personal photo. Stupid dark samus.

  13. Fine. But it has to be an emo poem. Or a Disturbed song pretending to be a poem.

    *Imagines Sons of Plunder as a poem*

  14. Don't deny the awesomeness of a rip-off of Teridax! And besides, HT is in a deep sleep in which only the Ignika can awaken him from! He can't save you now!

  15. Happy b0wdfday, person with name that's too scrunched together to say! Like mine! Cept you can call me RSD.

  16. Happy b0wdfday, metroid-man!

  17. Cool. You're from Singapore. Well, I'm Chinese. Not kidding. Still can't speak it, though.

  18. Stop talking to yourself!

  19. Did Tohu ever help BZP get a new server? NO. Did Tohu ever take over the site? NO. Because he doesn't have Teridax ska-ills.

  20. Aw...what ever happened to your top 10 enermies list? I was waiting to tick you off enough to get on that thing...

  21. Your having changed your name makes you on my hit-with-something list. Meh!

  22. You said you read my epic, foo'. I have no reviews from you whatsoever. Where did you ever review or say you liked it or whatever?

  23. Your old av was better.

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