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Everything posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Then visit my fleeting blog. Hardly anyone has...and all ~Ballom~ did was accuse me of insulting people...
  2. Yeah, the game demos usually stink. Like Tekken 14 or something. Target and Wal-mart are way too far from my house. Instead, I go to this chain store that's only in Minnesota and Iowa and I once secretly bought a hydruka and Defilak. My parents hate me buying sets... OMG weird monkey. And yes, you are a SSCC newb
  3. While being bored and trying to visit the preview of your epic, I have come to realize that the folder for it is not yet public. If you want others to see it, deeplink it.

  4. Funny. First Xander reviews my 3rd SS, and then I see you reading my 4th. What evs. And


    Heh heh...

  5. Oh! You is read it! YAY! So...uh...review when you feel llike it. And the chapters get better. But not longer.

  6. Yup. Almost rivals the sniper kitty picture.
  7. I wasn't. I was just knocking on Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes. Barf. Have you heard any of their songs besides Technical Difficulties? Because, although in a bad game, Waking Up was AWESOME.
  8. Read it! Read it NAOUGHW!!!!

  9. I read it. Now in return, read my epic.

  10. There's another pic I always changed it to, it was one that could be found under the google search "snowman stickup". It was one snowman holding another at...um...hair dryer-point?
  11. A cool band. No seriously. But no one's heard of them, unless you heard "Technical Difficulties" from Transformers, "Waking Up" from *shudder* Shadow the Hedgehog or "This Machine" from *shudder shudder* Sonic Heroes. But they're still very unknown. I'd classify their music as Electro-Rock. I'd tell you to check them out on their website, but I can't because their website has forums.
  12. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, but do MOCs have feelings? I'm just saying that I've seen some pretty scrap-ish MOCs. Heck, I'll change the name to "Scrap-ish" MOCs. And I won't be putting any names or any certain MOCs down as to assure that I don't hurt anyone's feelings. I'm not saying anyone here on BZP makes them. They might, but I won't say if they do.
  13. I wasn't insulting anyone's MOCs in particular... If this is against the rules in any way, I'll get rid of it.
  14. Whenever we went to the computer labs at my school, I would always change the desktop to this picture...then my teacher told me to stop.
  15. Anyone know those MOCs that some little kids make, and really all they did was mash a bunch of technic parts, weapons, masks, and arms on some more technic parts, weapons, and masks? I mean, they're always the ones that get in the magazines, but they're just kinda...thrown together. "Dark Hunter." Yeah. Sure.
  16. Um...Where's your jaller av?

  17. You ATE TAHU NUVA??? Oh, and...


  18. Thanks. Now go be annoying in Zhalath X's profile.
  19. romansoldierdude


    Looking forward to the movie. I'm going to see it in an Imax; I heard that's the best way to do it. I is got a blog too! It's "When in Rome...".
  20. Ah...finally. I can pretend to be premier for a week! Okay, so on to business. I'm making a club, but instead of it being a pro-moi club, it'll be an anti-Zhalath campaign. I must thank TtW for the idea- he started the Anti-Adventurer club. So...um...I'm gonna have to make an anthem. So all Zhalath-type people beware! :angry:
  21. Yo ~Tamaru~! Let's make blogs!

  22. Awesome GregF emote, BTW.

  23. Do you have to explode everyone you know? Heck...I think I'll join in...

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