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Everything posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Just because something transforms into a ball doesn't mean LEGO can sue them. THAT's why. I mean, LEGO would have sued them long ago if they felt it would be a good decision. They didn't. And Transformers doesn't think it wise to sue LEGO for being able to put Matoran on toa.
  2. Sounds scary. Really. As in, you changing your name is scary. I guess I'll just deal with it.

  3. BTW, "Wreckage" though that's no longer his name, is banned. Just saying.
  4. You beat my record of being delayed 8 hours. In New York. I ate like 5 ice cream pie things (they're just slices) and a billion hot dogs. Just because I was bored. And very hungry. Oh, and curly fries.
  5. That's what I do when I write Bionicle stories. I make them futuristic. And there ya go.
  6. No problem, man. I should thank you for making the MOC!

  7. I knew it would be terrible. It looked stupid. The review I read said it was pretty much a ton of flashy action and no substance.
  8. Also, I updated Infestation.

  9. Cool. Someone in my Geography class did their economics project on Liechtenstein. So...yeah. Have fun in a tiny European country.

  10. I went there. It was cool. But then again, I was 7, so I can't remember much. Man, I never got to go to legoland. But at least I have the mall of america legoland here.
  11. Eh. Lord Helmet is too stupid. *waits for retorting edit* He'd probably tell his troops to "comb the...blog...first". I'M NOT STUPID, I WAS ORDERED TO COMB THE DESERT AND THAT IS WHAT I DID! -Lord Helmet who likes to type in caps.
  12. That sucks...he stole your blog, eh? Why didn't he steal a different member's blog? Like a more popular blog? Like Adventurer's, or TtW's? Didn't he have the firepower?
  13. Oh! Lord Helmet! How did I forget?
  14. Awesumz! I love Space Balls! Who's LH though?
  15. Change it back to the thing with the circles and the lines and stuff. You know, like the symbol on the kid's chest in the "I has a bucket thing".
  16. Happens to me All the time. I always have dreams about going back to school. Funny, though; period 2 is never memorable for me. It's always 3, or 4.
  17. Yeah, that movie was funny. The part played by the person who does Dwight Schrute was funny, as well as "Hey you here that your girlfriend's having a baby? You here it's yours?"
  18. happy hat. I went there when I was 7. Now...Shoopus my whoopus! http://www.majhost.com/gallery/romansoldie...op_da_whoop.jpg Yeah...the Haunted Mansion WAS coo'. I loved those ghost hologram-type things. My dad knows how to make em, as he used to work at a haunted mansion.
  19. Hey. I voted for Phazon Mutations. Just loved it.

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