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Everything posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Julien-K! Oh. Sorry. No one cares about that band...I forgot.
  2. romansoldierdude

    It's Up!

    Teen Titans was awesome. Not saying I'm commiting to anything in COT, though.
  3. Aren't we still "Premier" on Sunday too, though?
  4. Heck yeah. It was very intelligent. Beats the tobacco juice out of Iron Man. The Joker was done perfectly. He was actually believable insane.
  5. Yo! Sorry about not having you over in the SSCC! I was gone for a while, and couldn't send out the voting PMs. So I'll try to do that and see what people think about you being a critic.

  6. The Dark Knight is possibly the best movie ever made. I just saw it yesterday. Brilliant.

  7. You're definately right. GregF wasn't snapping. No one knows snapping til they've met my mom.

  8. No! Your name is too hilarious for you to leave! You're like one of those half-pivotal members! Now I won't consider approving this blog! Not like I ever was...
  9. Aw...that's no fun. BTW, this is the first time this summer that I've seen a movie before it gets into those cheap theaters like 5 weeks later. Blame my dad. I saw Iron Man last week, and still haven't seen Get Smart, Indiana Jones, or...um...I probably already forgot because we still haven't seen whatever the movie was. Hm. Of the blockbustery movies, I've only seen this, Iron man, and Prince Caspian!
  10. It sounds dangerously fun! » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Um...I'll do it the short way that makes you still want to see the move. The girl Batman likes dies, Harvey Dent, the guy who arrested a ton of mob members got half of his face burned off, making him two-face, he tried to kill Camish Gordon's wife and kids, Batman killed him. And the Joker stuff was too awesome to tell. I'll need some more comments for that to happen.
  11. I thought it was because Assylum was spelled with two s'. Now go visit my blog! When in Rome, be romansoldierdude! That's an awesome name!
  12. Yeah, that's right everybody. I saw the dark knight. That has to be one of the best movies ever made, and I will probably think that from the beginning. It was simply brilliant. The beginning started out clever, and it just kept going. I don't know what to say. If I get enough comments saying to, I'll ruin the plot for everyone.
  13. My SS is dying from one person besides me reviewing it...and sorry for being annoying.

  14. Pikmin are awesome. The second game was better than the first, though.

  15. Well I want to make a flash movie like those found on legendaryfrog.com.
  16. Um...all of the toa mistika have silver arms and legs...no surprise. In fact, that's half of the reason I want them. And in the pictures I've seen, Gali actually looks like the best toa mistika. The pictures they showed of Tahu and Onua do NOT look good. But I'm still getting them.
  17. Well I like Tahu. And by last time, I thought you meant last year. Because that's the way it used to be all the time. And the Makuta Phantoka were terrible. As a whole, that is. I mean, their "launchers" sucked, and they were, *takes deep breath* like crocodiles fused to a couple of bats.
  18. Dangit...a person from the Anti-new toa nuva has arrived... And what the heck were wrong with the Mahri? They were freakin awesome! I mean, all futuristic, with those awesome blasters...
  19. You could try getting rid of the image and posting it again. Or switch to Firefox. That might help.
  20. But I hates the Gorast! I already have enough mosquitoes where I live! It's like our state bird! I'll get Krika because my parents would be less opposed. Unless anyone has any arguments against it.
  21. Yeah, I'm not sure whether I should get a Toa Nuva (I'm planning on getting them all) or Krika first. It would be helpful for you guys to give opinions.
  22. It makes it less creepy. I'll only edit people's comments to annoy them. Usually though, it's more of to argue with the opinions of the people who post. They're never flame wars though.
  23. Whoa, they have Mistika? Oh yeah, that news article...I wonder if Target does... I WANTS KRIKA!!!! You could have been reviewing my SSs like you said you would... I wants to sees the dark knight sometimes soon. Someday Soon. Like that Julien-k song. Whoops. Off-topic about a band no one has ever heard of.
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